1. After months of deliberation and thought I have finally decided to write my first novel. Currently I'm unsure what genre it will exactly come under, I'm sure I'll figure it out once its written but the basic idea is that it will be loosely based on my teenage years and the twists and turns that took place between the mainly between the years of 15 and my 20th Birthday. I very much doubt it will produce a sequel as I'm only 22 and if I was to use the same premise I'd have to wait at least another 8 years to write it. This is mainly a means of me getting everything out on paper the highs and the lows that every teenager goes through and some stuff that very few do. I'm currently pulling together my main characters and developing their main goals, issues, description etc...and I have begun piecing together a few of the plot lines although I have years of stuff to work from so it may take a while to get the most important stuff out of it.

    If you are interested in it at all get in touch and I'll happily send u preview as and when I complete and I'll be open to any criticism or advice you can give me. I'll keep you posted!


  1. Mallory
    Finish it! It's so easy to get into the rut of "not being in the right mode" and quitting, or starting another idea and not finishing the first one.

    Set a quota every day and force yourself to write it no matter what. Make it something realistic, but erring on the side of too easy, that way when you're extremely slammed in work you'll be able to write anyway.

    Good luck!
  2. ScaryMonster
    There are many ways to write a book. What I've found is that unless you plan it meticulously you can find that you've written yourself into a corner once you get past the first burst of creativity.

    I think this is because when you first start you can make the logic of it work any way you like, but once you've established this logic and setting you're pretty much bound to it, and it can get tedious working within these limits very quickly.

    I agree with Mallory that it’s good to have a target to write to, and even if I'm struggling for words, I can force myself to do it. But you have to be careful of this as well, because you're pulling the words and the best writing comes when the narrative and dialogue are pulling you.

    Bits that I have struggled with I've generally gone back and rewritten them three times before I'm satisfied with it.
    And this is a fact! “Everything is better on the 3rd rewrite.”

    Another way, although I don't work this way, is to spend six months to a year researching and writing an outline before you even write the first chapter.
    However, I'm not a fan of this method, because creativity shouldn't be pigeonholed too much. Ideas come when they come, and they feed off each other and can take your story to unexpected places.

    And there’s no rule that says you can’t rewrite chapters you’ve already done, don’t be over protective of them.

    And another good tip is that if you use post-it notes to plan your book use, sturdy pins and a well-secured cork board.
    I’ve gone out and come back to find my book planing notes on the floor with the cat playing in them!
  3. Dave Gale
    It's worth noting that I neglected to mention that I have a wall with notes stuck to it, with character development, storyline development and a timeline where everything comes together. I agree with you on the planning side, it is one of the most important parts, without the planning part I know I would hit writers block early on. I don't need to do loads of research for this book based on the fact its core elements are about events which have taken place in my life. There is other things that I will have to research for though.
  4. LostInFiction
    Good luck! I like your planning style :) I did loads of planning before starting to write and found it really useful and I really don't think it stopped the creative flow as you can always alter plans...
    Hope all is starting well for you. :D
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