Starts and Stops

By makdadsb · Feb 19, 2010 · ·
  1. I have been writing this story in chunks. I read somewhere that Hemmingway would try to write one good page per day. I have not been keeping up a pace anywhere near that. There have been days where I was inspired to churn out 7 or 8 pages, and then weeks of nothing. I do not blame this on writer's block, but rather on an unpredictable variability in motivation. Even when I am not writing, I am thinking about the story. I have a long commute home, so I think a lot during that ride.

    So what other problems have I had? Plot issues, as I imagine every author goes though - is there really anything to this story? Who really cares about what I have to say? For better or worse, I also have no real outline of the story; I have a general idea where I am going, but that is about the extent of it. I have gotten better about this lately. I must confess however that I have not yet decided how the story is going to end.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has read these posts. Please feel free to say hi. :)


  1. Twisted Inversely

    What I'm about to say probably won't sound like a very helpful solution, but I found that the best thing to do was to find time to write every day. It doesn't have to be much. for instance I worked out that if you write 275 words every day for a year your total output for that year will be about 100 000 words (To put this into perspective the average novel is 80000 words). I know that it's not aiming very high, but it's an achievable goal and more importantly it's not hard to find the time to do it. Furthermore if you persist at it, you'll begin to find that yourself beating the this target by increasingly larger amounts. It won't happen overnight but if stick with it you will find yourself getting that aspired to page per day 80-90% of the time.
  2. makdadsb
    Thank you for the comment! It is good advice that you give - I know that I need to get into a routine of writing something, with some regularity. I think that the first thing I need to do is to organize all my thoughts about what is going to happen into the order that it is going to happen.
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