Sucks For Women

By mugen shiyo · Sep 2, 2011 · ·
  1. Just listened to Michelle Baachman. She has only one thing in common with Palin besides being a woman; every time I hear her speak, despite the thin veneer of credibility, I get the nagging sense that this woman does not know what she is talking about.

    In a way, women have to thank Sarah Palin. She normalized the concept of a women contending for the "high seat" of our nations government. But in a way women must want to choke the life from her. Because of her almost hourly update on crazy she provided the public midway through and after her campaign, she's ruined it for women. Even if Michelle wasn't so lame, I think it's going to be atleast one or two more male heads of state before a woman gains the office. And by then, she might not want it :p


  1. Radrook
    She did give a bad impression when she said that Africa is a country. What else has she done since then?
  2. teacherayala
    Hilary Clinton paved the way far more than Sarah Palin ever did. As a woman, I'm embarrassed by both Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. If Bachmann comes into power, you can bet that Planned Parenthood won't receive the funding it needs to provide health care to a number of people in a number of capacities. It makes me sick to think about it. I was reading something the other day about how she was telling people she had a spiritual "vision" about her role in the government, and I thought to myself--it's people like this that makes Christianity look like the most ridiculous religion to follow in the universe. (No offense to Christians out there, as I am one myself.) No offense also to those who are of a different political mindset.
  3. Steerpike
    The criticism of Palin &c is largely rooted in sexism itself, and I think much of that could be seen in the last election cycle where coverage revolved around her clothes, mothering, and kids, to an extent not seen before.

    Also, you can see where the sexist elements come in when the only criticisms are directed toward conservative women. Essentially, one is saying that women have the perfect right to be autonomous and think for themselves, so long as they think like oneself, and if they deviate from that into unapproved areas of thought and opinion they are to be denigrated.
  4. mugen shiyo
    @ Rad, she just scares me for some reason. It's like she's unbalanced. An extremist wearing the mask of a sane person long enough to get elected. Like a Nero or something. (not the most fact-based reason for bias, but there it is)

    @ Aya, I hope this country never becomes capable of passing Michelle Baachman up as President or Vice President. She's already a Governor and that's bad enough.

    @ Steerspike, I think Palin receives more criticism for her gaff's and her persistent media hogging than anything else. But if other female candidates are attacked based on their sex, I would hardly be surprised. There are people looking through the presidents birth records after being a senator and sworn in as president. I'm sure people will use every bullet they can in a campaign. And then some.
  5. Holo
    I will apply for Canadian citizenship if Michelle Bachmann is elected. I don't want to offend anyone, but anyone who says that slave children were better off because they were born into "two parent households" or refers to being gay as a "sexual defect" and "wrong" cannot be the president of the United States. In fact, she needs to get off the radar for a while.
  6. mugen shiyo
    The crazy thing is that she is actually getting support. People are voting for her and they like what she is saying. Yikes...
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