Taking the Good Out of The Bad

  1. From my "Hey Guys!" post,

    I will forever remember a story I wrote in third grade: it was about a young boy who caught bees but was allergic to wasp stings. My teacher said (quite aggressively) that it didn’t make sense that his parents would let him play with bees while knowing about his allergy. I always remember that when I’m writing, it reminds me to make sure that the story is plausible. Thanks teacher!

    Writing and life in general, for me, greatly has to do with taking the good out of a bad situation. It hurt me as a kid to have someone tell me off for an issue with my writing, but I'm glad it happened. Maybe I can be a little paranoid about how people will react to my stories, but if you ask me, it's better than assuming it makes sense without thinking it through.

    Recently, I asked someone I know if they would like to help me with my story, and they quickly said yes. The very next day, they admitted that they didn't like reading or writing and only said yes to make me happy. That shouldn't have been a big deal, but it was for me because I got way too attached to the idea of having a beta reader/editor/whatever literally overnight. The lesson I've taken from that is to not jump right into something that quickly. The way I see it is that I should've waited a while before assuming a possibility must be fact. They have admitted that they shouldn't have been dishonest with me, but I completely forgive them. They had good intentions and taught me a valuable lesson: don't get too caught up in an idea in an instant.

    Bottom line, I'd advise to generally take the good out of the bad. You're allowed to acknowledge the bad, I'm not saying you aren't, I'm just saying that there's a good side to things. When it seems like there's no good side, remember this, something my girlfriend said one day: it has to get worse before it can get better.

    Just thought I'd share my experiences with you guys.


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