Tales from the insane box of quarntine.

By Cave Troll · Feb 6, 2021 · ·
  1. What's new in the land of OZ and padded walls?

    Started working on a custom LP guitar build. Though I am having a bit of a challenge sorting out how to not screw up the acrylic glaze part. Hopefully with some careful thought and creative ingenuity it will go alright, given I haven't ever played with acrylic resin before. Should be fun, and luckily I won't glue my feet to the floor in the process.

    Writing wise I've taken a break from my main WIP at 23k, and it's complicated 8th chapter reworking to make it work better in the story, and not be a repeat of basically the chapter before.
    So off to the land of naughty shorts, longest spanning a whopping 15K, and the shortest just a hair over 2.7k. The rest are still in progress, as I explore new themes and ideas on that front, really stretching my ability to come up with some interesting dirty activities along with actual story bits to them. :)
    Also have a beginning to a Gothic inspired Sci-fi piece with gloomier tone, about a 3k chapter so far.
    Though there are lazy days of just writing little nonsense stories as practice and improv techniques to keep writing fresh on my mind and explore smaller ideas to see if I can depict things in a reasonable and engaging fashion. :)
    Also group has been helpful in making me more aware of my own issue of overwriting, and catching it when I can.

    That kinda sums things up at the present.
    Thanks for stopping by, and Happy Writing.


  1. ThunderAngel
    Your guitar is gorgeous! :cheerleader:

    I have those lazy days too where about all I manage to accomplish is watching a long string of Youtube videos, lol.
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