The Nomiverse Revisited (Part 1)

By Wreybies · Aug 11, 2009 · ·
  1. Millions and millions of years have passed since the Great Nomulator first brought forth the Nomiverse filled of noms of every kind.

    Times have been tough and the road has been long and the people have forgotten the time of the Garden of the Noms. It exists now only as legend and folk-tale. The man who ate of the accountabilinoms (‘member him?) has found absolution over the ages as men came into power and he was repainted as the victim and the lady who liked to hang around with him was painted as the villain.

    Such are the vagaries of man.

    Jump ten thousand years into the future.
    Man has claimed the stars and harnessed the energies by which the Great Nomulator brought forth the Nomiverse. He has sealed himself in his little tin cans and hurtled them into the void.

    And he discovered that someone had been busy at work in the rest of the Nomiverse. He found civilizations by the dozens, and the one thread that linked them all together was the story of the accountabilinom. Each race of intelligent being whom man encountered, sometimes befriending, sometimes making war with them, all of them new of the bitter taste and learned the lesson that not only was the taste to plague the one who ate of the accountabilinoms, but also all of his or her descendants would know the taste to a greater or lesser degree.


  1. Mercurial
    Wrey, you are everything I want to be as a writer. :)
    Finding excuses to write and never taking anything too seriously. This is what we need, fellow WFers; we need to come down with a case of wreybies. :D (Your username has always made me giggle.)

    I loved the update, especially the bit about the woman being the villain, because such vagaries have always been an "irritate me!" button for me.
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