The waves

  1. The waves crash hard and thrash me about
    I can't ride them

    They hit me harder and harder
    I feel the salty sting of their power

    I struggle for breath
    But the salty water is forcing its way down my throat

    I scream
    I flail

    I gasp for air
    I am drowning

    Just as I am about to die
    Someone pulls me out of the water

    As I breathe water flies from my mouth
    And I feel him next to me

    He holds me tight
    But another wave tears me from his grip

    The wave whacks the breath out of me
    I am sinking again

    He calls my name, searching for me
    I don't want to pull him down

    I want to swim from him to keep him from harm
    But he comes after me

    I am sinking
    He is sinking with me

    Precious One, do not let the waves that are killing me kill you too!
    I want you to save yourself, but we are linked, you and I, by a thread that can not be broken

    I must rise from the depths that are killing me
    Where is the strength I need to evade the waves?

    I am weak
    I am dying

    Someone save me from the waves!
    Precious one, help me!

    Anyone, save me!!!
    ... ... ... ...

    They try
    But the waves push me from them

    I alone must find a way to survive
    I must find a way to muster the strength to escape

    The waves thrash me about
    I'm sinking

    How do I save myself...

    (earlier from journal:)

    The waves are crashing so hard that I can’t ride them. They hurt me. Each wave hits me harder. I feel the salty sting of their power. They move me helplessly around. I struggle for breath but the salty water pushes itself down my throat, so rather than trying to enjoy the sea, I’m struggling to survive. Someone pulls me out of the water, holds me up for a moment just as I’m about to die. I gasp for breath. He holds me. But another wave tears me from his grip. I scream, I flail. I gasp for air. The wave whacks the breath out of me and pushes me under. I don’t want to pull him down. I want to swim from him so he doesn’t get hit too, so he doesn’t hurt. But he comes after me. I keep sinking. And I pull him down too.
    Stop the waves. Let there be a calm on the water, just enough so that I can catch my breath. So that I can stay alive in the next onslaught of waves. Precious one, do not let the waves that are killing me kill you too! I want you to save yourself, but we are linked, you and I, by a thread that can not be broken. I must rise from the depths that are killing me. Where is the strength I need to evade the waves? I am the only one who can get myself out of the tides, but I am weak. I am dying. Someone save me from the waves! Precious one, help me! Anyone, save me!!! …. …. …. …. They try. But the waves push me from them. I alone must find a way to survive. He can help me. They can help me. But I must find a way to muster the strength to escape. How? The waves crash and thrash me about. How do I save myself……..

    This was a tangent in my journal. I'm thinking about editing... I've grown fond of it.


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