Thinking of Entering the Short Story Contest

By peachalulu · Mar 4, 2013 · ·
  1. Yesterday, I noticed the new theme for this weeks short story contest - Plan B. Last weeks Downtown through me for a loop. The city were I live has a pretty interesting albiet rather scummy downtown. Nothing spectaculuarly
    interesting but I do recall one drunk sitting in his apartment window threatening to drop empty beer bottles on
    the pedestrains below. Of course that was on a lively day. This week, however - Plan B revived an idea I had
    jotted down but forgot about because I couldn't pull it together. I was up till two in the morning writing the


  1. peachalulu
    Hey, this got posted before I was finished, doggone you drop key! Okay I'm nearly finished the story but as usual - I'm over the
    word limit. sigh. oh well. I might just post it for critique as I don't think I can chop out too many words. Does anyone else have issues wrangling their story in at the given limit?
  2. Lemex
    Wonderful news peachalulu! The more the merrier. :)

    I'm thinking of entering one too. I already have the first draft of it done.
  3. JJ_Maxx
    At least you guys have ideas! I can't even think of a Plan A!
  4. peachalulu
    Maybe you don't need a plan A J.J. just have your characters trapped in a scenario and say - guess it's time for plan b. Lol.

    You should enter Lemex, I'll look forward to the read! :)

    Alas - I'm 4045 words in and I don't have my ending yet - shouldn't take too long though, there's only one scene left. But I doubt I
    can enter:mad: - Too bad you couldn't enter a story in two parts - yeah, that could be funny one half gets votes the other half
    doesn't - lol.
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