Thinking Out-loud #4: You Are Needed

By Andrae Smith · Oct 9, 2014 · ·
  1. Hi guys. Looks like I'm taking a brief stop in my thinking chair.

    I've finally begun to break ground into new ways of thinking. I'm not finished yet, of course (could I ever really be?), but one of the things that's been pressing me a lot lately is the idea of the authentic self. People today spend more time sharing quotes and pictures and hiding on the internet than developing their own thoughts and expressing what's inside of them. At times I can't help but wonder if there is anything original in them in the first place.

    It's time to be more authentic and start expressing ourselves. Get into yourself, discover who you are, how you flow, how you resonate. Form an intimate relationship with yourself and realize your entire being. That in itself will help you understand your own importance and that of everyone else. It's about ALL of us and EACH of us. It's about love for the outer and the inner, the all and the one.

    We are so destructive simply because we do not know our own value. We are bound by conflated egos, but true self abides deeper than this superficial idea of self. Find self and you find connection to something more. Then illusion fades and you recognize (re-know) the importance and equality of all life.

    Simply by awakening to our own selves, we will foster traits like compassion, wisdom, harmony, and intuition. We'll recognize the complexity of life at varying scales and, perhaps, our place(s) in it, as a part of it, not the apex. (Creation is continuous, ongoing, and we are participants and facilitators.)

    The world is desperate for authentic people, original people, people who can bring their unique perspectives to our complex problems. We need physicists every bit as much as we need biologists and philosophers and teachers and movie directors and painters and singers and mothers. We each have something the world needs, and we are out of balance because most of us are trying to be something we are not--and worse, we aren't even aware of that.

    It's time to tune out the distractions, turn down the chatter and background noise. We have to flip the intake switch to output so we can become empty. In this emptiness we will find how full we really are, that we have abundance to spill out into the world.

    You don't have to wait for someone else to say something; there is a value in putting things into your own words. That thing becomes yours, your discovery. Not in the possessive sense, but that in that you have come to it on your own and the experience will expand your consciousness and promote further freedom of thought. Freedom is one of the highest aspirations.

    Love and freedom go hand-in-hand as two of life's greatest pillars, two things we are born with and have no right to encroach on. Individuality, the knowledge that you are not the same as others, unique to your point in space and time, unique to your awareness and ideas (even if shared by others), is freedom of mind. And that is what the world is lacking. The mind needs to be free in order to evolve, and evolution is the function of creation.

    One needn't even affiliate with a religion or believe in souls or a higher power. One must simply believe in his or her self and take responsibility for his or her own trajectory. The only other necessity is that you meditate, by which I mean take time every day to be in total stillness with yourself, to facilitate the emptying and self-recognition. Just relax and be, and be aware of your being. Whatever spiritual ideas comes of that, then, is right for you.

    This is my truth, a discovery I made all on my own. Sure I had help in the way of planted seeds here and there, but it's something that budded within my consciousness when I began to nurture it. I'm thankful for the chance to share it with you, even if no one cares to read it. Self-expression isn't about the reception (who sees it, who likes it, etc.), but the state of uninhibited being. ;)


  1. jazzabel
    This is very Tao Andre, very happy to see this kind of thinking. How are you btw, we missed you! :)

    In my experience, a person moves through life and each stage brings its own challenges. We might think we figured everything out, and then life throws something we never expected at us and suddenly we can't cope and we regress, only to bring ourselves up to speed again and learn from the experience. But these peaks and trough of enlightenment and ability to be one's own best friend vs one's own worst enemy (and everything in-between), is the dynamic of life. That's why tools like knowledge, insight and meditation are really useful to help is along the way.
      Andrae Smith likes this.
  2. Andrae Smith

    Aaagh! Jazzy-B, how are you? It's nice to see you. I'm doing really well, thanks. I've missed you all too. Won't be back for long, though. This detachment from all the input is really working for this stage.

    I've been meaning to study Taoism to learn what that perspective has to offer, but there are so many things I want to do, I have to slow down and take things one thing at a time. And what good is reading up on everything if I don't take the slow time to assimilate it and understand it as it applies to me.

    I cannot express how right you are with this one. Even in my few years I've seen this pattern. I think it's just a part of the patter of personal growth. We struggle a little until we figure things out then we plateau a little before beginning to climb, then we hit another challenge and we go through another round. Every time things start to settle down here, life throws another curve, but I know there's a method to the supposed madness. just have to take it in stride. In my experience, struggles and challenges always indicate that we're either not where we're supposed to be or we're nearly ready to move on. In both instances it it is a necessary signal of impending change.
  3. jazzabel
    I'm good Andre, thanks for asking! I got a couple of chest infections over the summer, and that was my summer gone, but I'm feeling so much better overall, I can see myself improving completely in not too long. Our garden fed us most delicious fruit and veg all season, I am very grateful for the opportunity to finally grow my own food. My novel has moved into the honesty stage, I no longer know what I'm writing about, I am reading the story as I write it, amd I am constantly surprised by it. It's a very introspective endeavour, very emotionally draining, but my writing has improved enormously for it.

    One book I would recommend, and it is very short but might take you a long time to understand, is Tao Te Ching. This translation se only the translation I linkeis the most meaningful and closest to the original. Read a page before and after each meditation, one page doesn't have more than 50 words or so. But it lets you glimpse into the fundamental.
    Your post reminded me of this, one of my favourite pages :)

      Andrae Smith likes this.
  4. Andrae Smith
    Also, thank you for the reference. I will have to look into this book. With every book I start, another comes to me to fill the gap in my "to-read" stack ha ha. That is a very interesting quote, as well. I'll definitely have to meditate on it soon.
  5. Andrae Smith
    I'm certainly glad you're recovering. That's pretty scary. It reminds me. I need to call my family back in Cali, my great grandma just decided to have surgery on her throat to remove a goiter that has been causing issue for over a year. They said it'd be risky because of her age and health. She'll be going in in november.

    What all o you grow in your garden? I've always liked the idea of growing my own food. And these days it seems be a matter of increasing importance.

    Wow, that's so great. It's been a minute since I actually got that far into a project. I was working on Imagine then, and that was very introspective and transformative.
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