Those Who Can't Do Teach

By The Freshmaker · Apr 22, 2009 · ·
  1. And I suppose that those who can't write review.

    I may not be able to finish my own novel to save my life. But I read enough for five people.

    I've started a book review blog on Wordpress, and I've noticed that it's been making me think a lot more about what I've been reading. And it's been making me read more than I normally do, as well.

    It is called Mal Has Bookworms.

    If anyone has any comments, criticism, or questions, I welcome each one.


  1. Acglaphotis
    I like it :). Rss'd.
  2. The Freshmaker
    Oh, thank you!
  3. Vapor
    RSS'ed as well. Liked the Twilight review lol.
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