Trigger Finger

By Wreybies · Aug 12, 2017 · ·
  1. Trigger Finger

    It holds the pen above the page.

    Turns the key to endless rage.

    On lands of gender, race, and thought.

    Conversations tied in a knot.

    Sputter, spit, fall to the floor.

    Causes, pauses, ire galore.

    Boredom guides the trollish hand.

    Lemming-like, we join the band.

    We dance and follow, you and me,

    over the cliff and into the sea.


  1. jannert
    Gosh. This exists on lots of different levels.
      Wreybies likes this.
  2. Wreybies
    Doesn't it, tho? ;)
  3. jannert
    Especially after today's news, and the scary stuff developing out there.
      Wreybies likes this.
  4. big soft moose
    The only thing i don't like is the rhyming of thought and knot - that could be a uk/us pronunciation thing
    other than that bravo
      jannert and Wreybies like this.
  5. obsidian_cicatrix
    Can't say 'thought' and 'knot' gave me pause. Must be my accent. I did pick up on the syncopation of 'con-ver-sa-tion' and 'tied-in-a-knot' though. Like subtle drum rolls, quads.
      matwoolf and jannert like this.
  6. matwoolf
    Wrey says Moose says

    On lands of gender, race, and thad. On lands of gender, race, and thawrt

    Conversations tied in a knad. Conversations tied in a nott.
      jannert likes this.
  7. 123456789
    You could improve the rhythm a bit, I think, if you could get rid of a in "tied in a knot" maybe make knots plural?
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