Tubes, Tunnels, and Vortexes

By DifeTig · Dec 3, 2020 ·
  1. Sometimes I like to try to remember being an egg in my Mama when she was young. I was there. With her through it all. All the things she can't seem to let go of, but also things she has since added from memory and fantasy. I try to think of the tubes and tunnels we all travel through to get here. Essence evaporates, while the spoilage goes back to the Earth.

    So many distractions by the adversary. Tunnel vision distracting from organic use of tubes, and vortexes. I should be able to work my vortex. I use it sometimes, and catch big fish. Isn't the greatest gravitational pull from the vortex of a woman impregnated with purpose and intent?

    If I had a few loaves, would they get stuffed down my throat? 'Ol Boy, Not Borgir, The Original One, had a woman with a serious vortex. He trusted her, and she was full of Him! Loaves a plenty, no takers in the end.

    Gotta make a woman a whore to give her a part, distracting from the whole world in her hands.
    Annette likes this.


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