
By mugen shiyo · Jun 6, 2012 · ·
  1. There's a deeper meaning to understanding...beyond caring...beyond empathy. Understanding means a community. A community connected mutually. Individuals existing in unity. We are different eyes from which we all can see the tapestry of humanity.

    You want to be free than lose enmity; war, hate, and hostility. Love, give hospitality. And what is given from thee shall be given of me. I give it to thee...freely

    We are lovers, see


  1. maidahl
    When you care, you are set free.

    The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. Love is the antithesis of jealousy and error.
    Love thy neighbor as thyself. It's hard to love someone as yourself. I'll work on it.
  2. mugen shiyo
    Caring can be slavery also...just like love. But it's a good thing when the other person feels the same way, too. I suppose if two people cared only for each other, it's a re-enforcing cycle of selflessness and sincerity I don't think I'll ever really witness outside of fiction. But it's an ideal to strive for.

    I wonder...What if I happened to love someone more than myself. If it was really love, it wouldn't be hard, it would be instinctual, right? Something that couldn't be helped, like writing, lol.
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