
By ZachWeber · Jul 24, 2011 · ·
  1. I feel sometimes like im drowning, not from depression but just by life itself, i feel as if, we are put here to do one thing and one thing only, but i will not do that, i will be who i want to be and live how i want to live, my father always wanted me to go into the military, i only wanted to go to make him proud, I really did not feel like risking my life, selfish I know, what our troops are doing over there is a very honorable thing, but its not the life for me. I want to be around for my childern when I finally start a family, I want to wake up next to my wife every morning, I want to most of all, be close to home when the shit hits the fan.


  1. HollieHicks
    And what were we put here to do??
  2. ZachWeber
    Seems to me all the men were put here to do is fight in pointless wars, break their wives hearts while being over seas.. Sorry not the life for me I dont want to break your heart, nor do I ever want to have to kill another human being for no apparent reason other than getting oil out of the ground.
  3. HollieHicks
    We were put here to live and reproducing! Society is just mentally unstable and that's how its figured to solve our problems!
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