Ups and Downs

By O.M. Hillside · Apr 7, 2020 · ·
  1. So this virus happens to be the most interesting global situation to occur during my time on this Earth. Technically I was alive for 9/11, but very young. And 9/11 is arguably more interesting in that the conflict has an agenda and centuries of rather fascinating history. Viruses don't really, as far as we know in the paradigm of "lower" forms of matter are not conscious. Which is a paradigm I generally follow. Although, I observed a bacterial colony invading a bottle of apple juice I left out in the backyard once through childish carelessness. By the time I noticed, it was already ruined. So I observed it day by day and watched as the mass of bacteria became bigger and the apple juice became more like the bacteria and less like itself. And I was thinking about a fly the other day which I saw wizzing about my room. It's tiny. Really tiny. And my room must be like a grand cathedral to it or a little bigger. Who knows. While it seems to us that it takes laps all around the room in seconds and in a rather annoying fashion, I wonder if to it, this is some kind of long, grand journey. What if inside it, it has a Yuri Gagarin or Alan Shepherd breathless to see a realm beyond its wildest imagination? And you look at Mars and it's barren and red; you probably can't grow plants on there. But what if we sent stuff there and put soil on it, and grew trees and put animals on there and created an ecosystem. And slowly, that red planet would become green and blue and look like us. What if Mars is some higher dimensional kid's bottle of apple juice left out in the backyard. And our ships and shuttles, annoying flies to preoccupied cosmic entities?

    So I'm back to the shut in life. God damn viruses. There goes my chances of playing DnD this semester. Also had to drop one of my lab-based classes and now I have to do everything online. I don't really like the online, academic environment. This is a down period for sure. But, the classes are technically easier now. But it can be hard to get work done at home for someone like me who's home environment is filled with distracted, miserable people constantly arguing. Their mental state was questionable before the stay at home order, if anyone's going to get cabin fever, it's them(or me). I used to at least be able to go on walks and stuff to escape the monotony and antagonism of this environment. I can still do that, technically. But with the number of infected going up by 30,000 people each day, and knowing that people in my own city and college are getting it, I don't know... Let's just say, I'll be wearing a mask or something and keeping my distance from people if I ever get desperate enough to leave the house. Part me has always wanted an excuse to wear a bandanna though, not gonna lie.


  1. GrahamLewis
    Trust me, the bandana is fun. Walking can be very good for you in ways you don't realize and some you do -- like the exercise, sun, fresh air (less auto pollution now) and the solitude.
      O.M. Hillside likes this.
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