Waaayyy-out of the money again

By exweedfarmer · Sep 15, 2019 · ·
  1. I find myself bringing up the rear in this month's short story contest again. I shouldn't complain about being bested because some of you folks are really good. I've entered ten short stories and I've won twice, that's a pretty good average.

    We had a run away winner again this month but for the life of me I can't find anything to like about this story. It has a great big plot hole in getting a gun into prison (they really frown on that) and it's so cliché that it's almost plagiarism. Zatarks from SG1, The Bourn Legacy, just the number of movies and TV shows it steps on are mind boggling, so why did it win?

    The story that got my vote, got... my vote and that 's it. I certainly thought it was the cream of the crop. So then, what am I going to do for next time to see if I can't do a little better in the rankings?

    NO pseudo-science.
    Common trope.
    More emotionalism (that's going to be a trick).

    Onward, ever onward.
    Cave Troll likes this.


  1. GrahamLewis
    Remember, you're writing to an audience, and it's an audience that does not seem to be as concerned about plot and uniqueness as you. Maybe you should just let go, figure out what you don't like and everyone else seems to like, and write that story.
  2. dbesim
    Don’t worry too much about it. The bigger joy of the contest is just being a part of it. The way the voting goes on this site is no reflection of how your story is being perceived in the big wide world, anyway. Sometimes the best stories get zero votes on account of it being most people’s SECOND choice. These medals are by no means easy to attain so getting two and simply just participating (putting pen on paper) is an accomplishment of its own. You’ve written ten stories? GREAT. No doubt you’ve learned a lot in the process. The mind of the voter.. that’s not an easy thing to get one’s head round (though one of them!). Think about what it is you want to say and just say it. Statement made.
  3. GrahamLewis
    I agree the most important thing about writing is to write what pleases you -- but if your primary reason for writing is to win a contest, you need to write the best way you know to win that contest.
  4. dbesim
    I guess. Easier said than done, though!
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