Water's one thing....

By zorell · Jun 8, 2008 · ·
  1. Okay, so I have this thing about uncontrolled hieghts, I'll ride a plane, walk across a bridge, and stare at the street from the roof of a fifty story building; but don't you :mad:dare:mad: tell me to get on a roller coaster if it:
    banks more than 45 degrees in any direction
    drops steeeply more than five feet
    is named Superman
    does loops
    suspends me so that I can see the ground
    or doesn't have cars,

    To sum it up: I hate roller coasters.

    But you can get away with all of the above, if it's a water ride, water redeems everything I hate about roller coasters.
    I'm just saying....


  1. Bick
    Omg! Me too!! My friends think I'm insane for it. I can't stand roller coasters. They scare the crap out of me :redface: Specially the loops!! Omg. Those are just awful. Going upside down? Pfft!
  2. zorell
    Somebody sees it my way. Finally!
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