Where The End Starts

By lilix morgan · Mar 24, 2009 · ·
  1. My day didn't go all that well today. Sadly, nothing's been going well for me as of late.

    I'll be more specific: today, for the second day, Mike was out sick. Naturally, I worried. But two days, two days I normally get to see him, tolled on me. By the middle of the day I was so wrapped in my delusions of how bad he might be that everything suffered. Every thought connected to Mike.

    And I loathed it.

    By the time I got home, I practically assaulted my mom's purse for her cell phone because she was on the house phone. I called him.

    Thank god he answered.

    What began as a simple conversation to check his vitality turned into something more serious. It was my fault, mainly, because when I'm on the phone my mind wanders, and I drifted off, leaving Mike to ask what was on my mind.

    Before I could come up with a good excuse, I blabbed about prom. And how I wanted to ask him out to prom.

    Then I did.

    He didn't give me an answer... yet. No news is good news, right? That's how I see it, even though deep down I know better. Usually the longer he stalls, the more he's trying to be soft about his answer.

    Oh, it gets worse.

    I somehow came out telling him that, yeah, I still like him. I explained how I'd been keeping it hidden because I told him it was nice to not have awkward feelings between us.

    He said me liking him didn't matter, didn't bother him. But there was no hinting towards him liking me.

    Sigh. This was all supposed to be a gradual, planned thing, not a twenty minute phone conversation that turned into a spill-your-guts-out festival. I feel so stupid for telling him that.

    But at the same time... I feel relieved. I can write now without the cloud of Mike dangling in front of my thought process, which pleases me.

    Oh, and a little FYI:

    A couple comments in my last blog had people wondering why I liked Mike so much if he was jerking me around so. I guess I'll explain in some short, few words.

    He's amazing. I don't have to say a word for him to know when I'm upset, angry, exalted, or just bored. We can look at each other for minutes at a time, silent conversations held by our eyes. He's comforting on so many levels, knows just how to hold me to make me feel loved. His kisses are the biggest eye-openers, no matter where they are on me, be it cheek, forehead, or (in the past) the lips. He doesn't care that I'm crazy, that I have my own language when I speak in person, that I'm overly protective and emotional. He loved me for who I was, not what I had or what I could become. We had everything to live for, everything to die for, and nothing was in our paths.

    I'm sorry, I can't write anymore on it. I don't want the tears to hit the keyboard.

    And so everything started with the end.


  1. thefreshman
    "He didn't give me an answer... yet. No news is good news, right? That's how I see it, even though deep down I know better. Usually the longer he stalls, the more he's trying to be soft about his answer."

    I'm not going to candy coat this and for that I am sorry, but I don't you to hurt like I did. He is most likely going to say no if he didn't give you an answer right away. I waited three weeks, THREE, for Shailana to give me an answer. Even though I knew it was a no at heart, not knowing made me hope. The more I hoped the more my affection grew and thus the more I was let down and broken when she said no.

    I would suggest just going up to him being like "If it's a no tell me now, I would rather know now than wait." I wouldn't say that exactly but you know think of something along those lines. The more he waits, the more you wait and hope and the more it hurts in the end.

    Again still hoping for the best for you, and I hope I didn't make you mad. I wasn't trying to, just trying to help you not get hurt and make the same mistakes I did.

    BTW, I can understand why you like this guy. Not having to talk to communicate is HUGE, I think so anyways.
  2. lilix morgan
    It's alright; I know deep down that it's going to be a no, I just know it.
    So I figured I was going to ask him in a day or two, and just be very forward. I'll tell him I need to know because if he's going with me, I have to get my dress, etc. etc.

    I'm trying not to look too much into his hugs, his overly welcoming gestures, anything that might make me hope. I'm trying to play it cool, keep it to the vest, just holding myself at a distance but still listening in, you know?

    And yes, just looking at each other and having conversations makes all the difference in the world to me.
  3. RyanM
    I don't mean to sound like someone with much understanding into the world of relationships, because I'm not, but false hope is a good as no hope. I can see that you had hoped to drag out the "lovey-dovey" stuff, and mend/repair or just rekindle whatever it is you had had before, but in all honesty why bother?

    I don't want to sound like a big jerk off, but if someone does jerk you around once shouldn't that be it? Where is there comfort in something like mistrust/misuse or whatever went on (I never read any of your blogs before this).

    Also, I don't see what the big deal is over prom? I don't live in the states but everyone I know makes some huge deal over graduation... what the point? Most people move on to college or university, why not save the specialty celebrations until then?

    Anyway, I don't think anything I said made any sense so, don't take anything I have said the wrong way. I think I just typed what I was thinking without really putting thought into what I was writing.

  4. RyanM
    It posted twice, sorry. :(
  5. thefreshman
    Regarding the post made by RyanM, I know that he said he hasn't read the last blogs so that means that he hasn't read the quotes I put up and such.

    I can tell you from experience though that people really don't change. So if he cheated on you or something like that DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT take him back. I have made that mistake. I dated this one girl like 3 times and each time she cheated on me, she told me she changed and that she loved me it was BULL****. Anyways, that was just in case he did that.

    I'm going to assume though that he didn't. If you really think he likes you keep trying. Even if he doesn't and you really like him keep at it if you have to. Nothing truly amazing ever comes without a little or a lot of effort.

    As always keep your chin up it will all work out.
  6. lilix morgan
    I definitely will keep trying, no way am I going to call it quits. There's something there, and I don't care how small it is, but it's there, and I'm running with it like a little child with a balloon, happy as hell. I'll just keep the celebrations to myself for a while, is all.

    I gave him a bit of an ultimatum. Told him I needed to know pronto, like two days pronto, because I need to order my dress, shoes, etc. He said he'd think about it, but he's conflicted because a lot of his friends aren't going.

    Oh, and he apparently found out from someone that his little kiss action gave me an idea, and wanted to tell me that wasn't the case. His exact words were "It was an impulse."

    Now I don't know how well that exactly is for me- is impulse good or bad? -shrugs- I'll find out eventually.
  7. thefreshman
    Impulse is kinda good kinda bad.
    He likes you enough to randomly kiss you for no apparent reason.
    He is telling you it was an impulse meaning he is either embarassed or something else.
  8. lilix morgan
    Well, he didn't look embarassed when he admitted it was impulse, but he did look kind of like... I dunno. Not bummed, not happy, just sort of ... nothing.

    Still keeping my head high though. I figured once I feel a little bit better I'll write something epic on this.
  9. thefreshman
    Epic writing is good, I can't wait to read it.
    Hurt or happiness almost always brings good things in regards to creativity.
  10. lilix morgan
    Yeah, I've learned that.
    Right before Mike broke up with me back in January, I was home from school, 'sick', and after taking a nap until noon, I suddenly woke up after thinking of Mike with such a passion that the opening of my book just poured out of my head and onto my fingers. I got four pages done before I stopped and told myself I needed to pace myself or it might all go to hell.
    That night he broke up with me. Figures, right?
    So this is, in a way, my baby. And I will nurture my child until she hits the shelves, no matter what.
  11. thefreshman
    Good, do you have it posted on here?
    I would like to read it.
  12. lilix morgan
    Yes. It's in the novel section, titled Statues. I have the first two chapters posted, and a portion of the beginning of chapter eight in the general writing section, I think.
  13. thefreshman
    sw33t Ima go read it
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