Why cant Church be like AA meetings?

By paperbackwriter · Jan 12, 2019 · ·
  1. The AA meetings Ive been too are more often than not full of the spirit. People make themselves vulnerable. There's lots of empathy and sharing and well...love.
    There is something about being at rock bottom that reminds us of how important humility is. So we make our comeback and regain our confidence. And we tend to lose our humility in the process. No longer at rock bottom, we get our pride back and arrogance gradually creeps back in.
    That's why I like AA stories. People remind us of where they were. How low they got. How desperate they were.
    We never are more beautiful than when we hit rock bottom and cry out for help. Better not get addicted to the moment I hear you say. And I agree. But it is important to remember that at our lowest ebb, there was the most room for amazing grace. How sweet the sound.
    Church is of course important and vital really. it reminds us that God is front and center, Number 1 in our life.
    Just wish the fellowship was there sometimes. AA reminds us that we are all equal in God's eyes. The only winners are the ones who admit they are losers and surrender. Surrender their self-sufficiency and arrogance. Ive noticed humility at Church but it is more obvious at AA meetings.


  1. Alan Aspie
    There is a church - a building.
    There is church - an institution.
    There is church - a dogmatic and theological structure.
    Threre is Church - a body off Christ in a form of spiritual network over time, distance, identities, social structures....

    I think this Church is a lot like AA.

    It's just hard to see Church when a church, church and church are blocking the view.
      Foxxx and paperbackwriter like this.
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