Why Does It Hurt

By Unit7 · Jun 10, 2010 · ·
  1. Because it shouldn't.

    Its stupid really. I met this girl online and we started talking. Yeah yeah I know. Something about 40 year old pedophiles and such. but we got to know eachother and would talk almost everyday. For some unknowable reason I fell in love with her. I fell really really hard.

    But I guess in the end we were just too different and over a period of time we drifted apart and... well now its up in the air.

    There are few people in this world I truly care about, of those few people only 2 in my life I have ever truly loved. She said she loved me and I was almost amused by this because I really wasn't sure if she meant it, or if she realized how much I actually meant it.

    Everything seemed to be stacked up against us. I knew this was how it would end. There was no way for this to have ended any other way.

    I want to be an optimist, I wish I could say I saw it all differently. But I knew that the second this started it was damned from the begining. I thought I knew this, I thought I realized this simple fact and had prepared myself.

    Why does it hurt then?

    because in the end when all is said and done.

    I truly loved her, with all my heart.

    For this, I am damned.


  1. Thanshin
    Eventually, you'll miss that pain.
  2. Lydia
    I understand that- if I lost the person I love... the pain would be somewhere near unbearable.

    It will take a while, but I guess it'll pass.
  3. LiterateStar
    I can relate to you. Just remember, the pain doesn't last forever. No matter how bad it gets, it'll pass
  4. TerraIncognita
    I'm sorry to hear that. :(
  5. Irish87
    I would love to say I can relate, but unfortunately I cannot. You're quite lucky, you know that? I know that it hurts, but its one of those good pains, like when you hit your elbow and start laughing for no reason whatsoever. Sure, it doesn't feel that way now, but it hurts like all hell when your arm first makes contact with whatever it is you bumped into.

    Soon your body begins to metabolize the feeling and push it down into little, tiny bite sized goodness that is slowly cooked in an oven. Eventually, every ounce of horrific, brutal, and agonizing pain, physical or otherwise, is manifested in a single lesson you will never, under any circumstances, forget. And then, one day, when you are put into another situation like this, you will remember what happened and suddenly you are able to cope with whatever comes your way. God bless the human body and its strange little ability to adapt to all situations.

    It might be a odd thing to say, but you should consider yourself a lucky man.
  6. Jane Beryl
    Oh boy, don't I know how that feels. At least you could talk to her, I couldn't even talk to the guy I liked it person and I was crushed down hard by a giant foot in the sky. Meh, as time goes on you'll be able to laugh upon this, until then good luck solider. <--- I kid.
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