You know that story, right?

  1. I don't know if there's a name for it, but it's That Story. The first one you loved writing, the one you can never get right, the one you think that if only you did it in the right way it would be the best, the most original, the thing everyone would remember you for...

    Attempting another re-write of my one of those. :p It's going okay so far, but I'm only on the second chapter. I know the story backwards, and I don't want to refer to old drafts anyway... If I miss something out it probably didn't need to be in the story anyway. I'm determined to do it right this time.

    Now I just need someone to read it who hasn't read all 14 of the other drafts and squeals with excitement the moment they see the main character's name. :p

    Oh cheesy opening lines. :D


  1. Taylee91
    LOL, I DO know that story. I have it stuffed away in a large container, hidden at the very bottom. It was my first "great idea", and I thought it would be the next best. But after struggling with it and so on, I abandoned it. I feel it's so cheesy now, and I cringe everytime I even think of it.

    But that first story is a reminder for me to not screw things up the first time on my next great story and to keep things as riveting as possible. And if all else fails, at least it was some good practice. :rolleyes:
  2. Melzaar the Almighty
    /insert quote from famous author claiming his most renowned work was "just practice"

    I'm sure it's out there. :p
  3. Pallas
    It's like the first half of my current work, after on and off writing it for the past 6 years, I'm finally daring to go, read, and edit that portion, and I cringe at how stilted and just plain bad it is compared to the second half. I got a lot rewriting to do, haha, good luck in yours.
  4. Islander
    "That Story. The first one you loved writing, the one you can never get right, the one you think that if only you did it in the right way it would be the best, the most original, the thing everyone would remember you for..."

    What, that's EVERY story I've written! :D
  5. Taylee91
    ^blah, right? I'd like to at least think one was better than the other, but looking at all of them with their humble beginnings - it's just plain discouraging at times.

    But you're right, Mel. Practice could really turn into something. The point is to stay positive in a writing crisis when things don't read well; when they don't flow, and when every word you choose to put down just isn't right. ;)
  6. Wrathnar the Unreasonable
    The first thing I tried to write was (is) (er . . . will be) a novel about shamanism. Since then I've written dozens of short stories, a novel that needs a serious rewrite (arg) and another novel that was going quite well until I hit the notorious 'mid-manuscript crisis'. Along the way, I've kept going back to that first attempted novel and kept chipping away at it. I now have over 50,000 words of it (about a third of the way through) which is very patchy cos it represents every stage in my development as a writer - so it will all eventually need to be rewritten. Excuse me while I go and bang my head against the wall . . .
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