You Were Wrong

By OverEasy · Jul 28, 2008 · ·
  1. This doesn't really count as poetry.. if you ask me. It's more of a letter to my ex in poetry form. I'm not asking for a crit, if I were I would have posted in the poetry section. I just had a lot I needed to get out there. For no other reason than to clear my conscience.

    You were wrong.
    He doesn’t hate me,
    He’s not going to hate me.
    I told him everything tonight,
    everything I never thought that
    I could tell anyone without them being
    completely and utterly disgusted with me,
    and guess what? He doesn’t think I am horrible,
    in his eyes I am still beautiful, just like I should
    have been too you. He still thinks I’m smart
    and sexy, and wonderful. I’m not the
    disgusting creature you made me
    into, I am only human… and
    guess what I’ve learned?
    You were wrong.
    You created this beast.
    Are you happy with how I turned
    out? Do you smile when you think of
    the things that I did to earn your love? Do
    you look upon your dead creation with disdain?
    I washed the bits of rotten paint from my canvas skin
    tonight. I washed the thought and guilt away, in the same
    moments I was washing you away. Just as I should have done
    years before. It was not the drugs that made me this way.
    They were part of it, I have no doubt, but you… you
    were more than the drugs. You were
    the one that pushed me, forced
    me, into becoming the lowly
    decrepit creature that I
    was… that I am no
    And guess what?
    You were wrong.


  1. lessa
    your last line says it all.

    You were wrong.

    Now you can move on and make your life
    the one you want it to be.

    luv and hugs.
  2. Torana
    Sometimes it helps to get things like this out and post them like this. I've done it before today.

    And amen to what lessa has already stated!

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