You've Got It All Wrong

By The Freshmaker · Sep 28, 2007 · ·
  1. So, I'm in this Web Site Essentials class. As part of our intro to the class, we were asked to post online to the class forum a little bit about ourselves, including our computer experience. I mentioned my webcomic. Big mistake.

    I have very little experience in web design. I know minimal HTML and CSS. But somehow, everyone assumes that since I have a webcomic, I must know ALL ABOUT web design.

    You know how much work goes into my web comic?

    1.) I draw it with pen and paper. Usually during math class, when I should be paying attention to how to graph equations or something.
    2.) I scan it. This involves putting the paper copy in the scanner and pressing one button.
    3.) I crop it and clean it up in MSPaint.
    4.) I upload it to the free blog site which is currently hosting my comic.

    See? Absolutely NOTHING technical involved there. My grandma could do it.

    But now I have this group project, and everyone is looking at ME and asking ME questions and expecting ME to do the hard stuff.

    Oi. I guess I have some extra studying to do.


  1. Torana
    LOL I had a very similar problem a while back Freshmaker.

    Hopefully you can figure it all out. If not well good luck hey.
  2. Charisma
    Happened to me many times. The best trick is to (a) show them the site, show them how you make it, and let them know you don't know this stuff.
    Or (b) learn everything they expect you to know.
    Or (c) relax.
    Ack, best wishes!
  3. zorell
    The reactions you got are like the ones I get when people figure out I can knit, "Ooh, I want a black and blue sweater." My reaction, "That's fine and dandy, but I only do scarves."

    Some people just don't understand;)
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