I find the "no links" a pretty strange rule. Can I ask why not, since there's not really a reason given. And since this conversation is not big...
Haha, thanks. In case it wasn't obvious it's just a demo, since a ti 89 can't hold that many pictures. From my calculator experience I prefer...
Graphing calculators. Here's a picture of my and my brother collection: http://i.imgur.com/O5Go5hT.jpg I mostly like to program games. With this...
Is that profile picture me? Aw man. I've grown a bigger nose and all. Also, my hair has gone and come a few times since then. Now it's pretty...
Okay. I'm not really "back", just checking. I've no idea if my sister's still active here, that's how little I'm involved. :P Anyway, I hope...
/me pops head in. "Hello"
Hello, I just decided to write a post. It's been a while. Be warned: I'm not back, just showing I'm still alive.;) I hope you all have fun and...
Lydia let me listen to it. I liked it! ;)
Yeah. Guess who killed it and is rejoicing... No no, just kiddin. I just look upset. It's the webcams fault. Yeah. Thanks. Lydia knows.;)...
Separate names with a comma.