Unnatural Campus

Discussion in 'Archive' started by TheApprentice, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    Man on a Mission

    Watching the life of another person through the scope of a rifle is had never been a fascinating thing. Most of all when the person in question was a girl barely out of high school it seemed.

    He knew her.

    Well he didn't know her but the information he’d been given was accurate about her appearance. His closed shut. "Excuse me sir." The gunman said quietly. "Should neutralize a target?" A pleasant smirk formed on his face at his employer’s reply. “I believe she is the one called Rue.”

    There was a several second pause before the man’s finger gently teasing the trigger.

    “No she can’t see me.” He said after another small pause. “Understood.” The rifleman severed the connection and lowered his rifle calmly shutting the window. The man instantly slumped is weapon back over his shoulder going back to the mission at hand.

    The man placed his gloved hand on the mattress, his nostrils flared. It smelled like booze and sweat mostly, his free hand instantly securing his final objective and placing it in his bag. The twisted grin gently relaxed. “Finally.” He sighed. “That wraps up the night.”

    The rifleman carefully opened the door sweat beads forming on his neck as he began to tip toe through the dorm building.

    Listing off the various tasks he’d completed.

    Preliminary objective-Place timed several satchel charges from the base of the building to the roof? Completed

    Main objective-Retrieve book? Completed

    The final two tasks were a work in progress.

    It was only a six minute trip back down to the top floor. It would of taken five but a true man always took apart his gun after a job well done. That piece of shit had better cough up all the dough he had for a job like this. Hell, even the rifleman wasn't sure about this.

    Oh well got to be professional.





    He sucked in a deep breath, his arms out stretching like that of a bird but before anyone could make out his bizzare figure. The gunman let himself drop off the side out of view of Rue and any others who might be gathering to stare

    His body vanishing into the night.








    It didn't take long for everyone standing in front of the dorm building to be instantly blown to bits or crushed by falling debris, the explosion shaking the entire campus. Each floor popping with explosive flames, the entire foundation crumbling away in an instant ..... smoldering taking mostly everyone and everything in it to the grave.
  2. mmarage

    mmarage The Detective Contributor

    May 4, 2013
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    “Taking notes?” A familiar voice asked grabbing Joe’s attention. Ace Stardust stood about ten feet away his beautiful features illuminated by the pale moon.

    "Surprising to find you here." He paused a thoughtful expression on his face. "I apologize that sounded somewhat like a threat." He chuckled

    I jumped slightly at the unexpected voice, I looked up at Ace and blinked a few times. "O-Oh, it's fine..." I said nervously. "I-I was just writing my findings from my investigation tonight." I said shutting my book. "I-It's surprising to find you here." I said chuckling nervously.

    "I was actually looking for you." Ace responded. "Mind if I sit?"

    "U-Uh... n-not all." I said. "Why would he be looking for me...? Probably wondering if I found anything out." I thought, it seemed like the most likely reason to look for me.

    "Well yes I was curious about what you'd uncovered but personally I'm also interested in talking with you in general." Ace sat down his shoulders slumping. "I'm curious about you."

    "A-About me?" I asked surprised, it seemed unlikely. I mean... I'm not that special... "Um... there's nothing really to tell really..." I said nervously.

    "Intelligence is a special thing Joesph." Ace replied simply. "I've found I have a bit of an attraction to you." He admitted. "But it seems plenty of other suitors have come your way as well, but I haven't come to be romantic. I just came to talk."

    "Gorgeous man say what?" I wondered, hardly believing what I had heard, my face went red. "I-I-I see." I stammered nervously. "W-What would you like to talk about?" I asked.

    "You." Ace. "Tell me about yourself...." He gave a faint smile. "I've been watching you, you're very selfless."

    "A-Ah, I-I wouldn't call it being selfless... I just like to help people." I said chuckling nervously and rubbing the back of my head, I wasn't used to telling people about myself, they usually didn't really care. "Um... well... let's see... I'm eighteen. I'm pretty decent with light magic, my healing magic could use some work, I've studied archery for a long time, I get up early every morning and come out here and shoot at a tree for a few hours, working on my accuracy... I'm studying alchemy, it seems like a really interesting subject, and it seems like I can help a lot of people with it and be able to make some money in the process... be able to send that home to help my mom with the bills." I said.

    "Um... I'm an only child... I didn't know my father, he left when I was just a baby, and it's just been me and my mom ever since. I didn't really have any friends before I came here... if you haven't noticed, I seem to exude some strange aura that calms people. People thought that I was a freak because of that and avoided me whenever they could or some of them would bully me... but... I don't blame them. I mean it's only natural to fear the unknown. The churches didn't make it any easier... when I came out, they labeled me as a demon, a pastor that I sometimes chatted with on my way to the library, or school, or whatever job I could get really tried to set me up on a date with their daughter and I told him flat out... he looked really shocked." I said, I chuckled at the memory, it might have made it harder on me... but it's funny looking back at it now, though at the time I was worried that the poor man might've had a heart attack. "Word spread pretty quickly to say the least, I don't blame them either... again they didn't know any better, they learned their prejudice from their parents on the pastors before them." I said, I blushed as I realized how much I must've been talking about myself. "S-Sorry... w-what about you?" I asked, trying not to meet his gaze, afraid that I'd embarrassed myself.

    "Me?" Ace tapped his chin. "My story isn't the most interesting in the world I was born in Germany actually but my parents moved to America when I was a child and so on and so forth, found out I had a knack for this magic business and saw how men like you were treated."

    He beamed. "So its my life's mission to stop the mistreatment of mages and other magical beings. I believe the normal world and ours can co-exist."

    I listened quietly and nodded, feeling more embarrassed as I basically poured out my life story on the poor guy. "Kyaaa.... baaaaakaaaa." I thought silently berating myself. I managed to compose myself and smiled at him. "I hope that everyone can co-exist as well, I mean both can help the other greatly, and it'd allow people to be as they truly are." I said.

    I had two questions for him... he seems like he'd know a thing or two about magic... he might be able to help me with my cauldron quandary, I'd need a way to heat it safely in my room and to find something suitable to stir the contents... and the second was about my strange magic... he might know something about it... but the first one would feel like I was just wasting his time, the second might freak him out... I mean I'm basically a magical lie detector. "Should I ask...?" I wondered.

    "I'm an open book." Ace suddenly said. "Ask away."

    "K-Kya... he did it again... I thought he did it before... I thought I might've just muttered something without realizing it... well he knows now, so may as well." I thought. "U-Um... well, I have a basic question that may just be wasting your time and a much more complicated question that may weird you out..." I said, I crossed my arms. "Um... basic first I guess... you see I bought a cauldron from my alchemy teacher, but I forgot to ask for any implements or a way to heat the cauldron safely in my room, do you know what I could do?" I asked tilting my head.

    Ace hummed. "I haven't had the use for alchemy in a very, very long time." He sighed obviously probing his brain for information. Ace's voice became quiet. "There we go....I found it." He tilted his head towards Joe. "I find it best to have a room simply for magical practices. A cauldron in your own room would not be very smart."

    "I-I know, but I don't have that kind of room, he did mention a room next to the alchemy lab, however he didn't say whether or not to perform my synthesis there." I said avoiding his gaze, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I was so excited I forgot to check everything out with him..." I thought.

    "You don't." He smirked. "But I do."

    That came out of left field, I wouldn't have expected him to offer to let me use his own magical practice room. "T-That's very generous... but I'd hate to impose..." I said. Ace breathed out a happy chuckle. "Impose? No not at all only Donny, Morgan, Hugo and now you have access to it."

    "He's really nice..." I thought blushing lightly. "I-If you're sure... where can I find it?" I asked tilting my head.

    "Not far just look for Churchill street." Ace said standing he pointed to the largest almost skyscraper like building in the distance. He giggled. "That's it."

    "W-Whoa..." I said amazed as I saw it in the distance, I was certain that it was one of the largest buildings on the island that he was pointing to, if not the largest, I remembered passing by it once, I looked down knowing the next question might end his kindness. "I-I guess that it's time for my second question... um... I have a very... strange form of magic... chains rip through people when they lie, but I'm the only one who can see them or sense them, I can detect illusions, I can recreate crime scenes, and... I had a... logic battle, a literal logic battle with someone... do you know what it is? It's only awakened recently... the day after I was hospitalized for the incident down at the church just around the corner..." I said.

    An ear splitting boom shook the trees around them. Ace’s eyes instantly narrowing on the massive dust and smoke cloud forming in the distance. "Now that can't be good." He said instantly taking off towards the chaos.

    I gasped as an explosion rocked the earth and filled the air with dust, I was on my feet instantly and nodded in agreement and ran with Ace toward the source of the commotion. I nearly stopped dead in my tracks as I saw the devastation of the dorms, the flames, smoke, and dust filling the air. "God I hope most people were out tonight..." I said, there were so many corpses, I rushed forward and began to search and treat the injured survivors as best as I could and get them out of harm's way.
  3. Kaitou Wolf

    Kaitou Wolf Active Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    The boomerang thunked into the tree, sticking there. I glanced up at it, frowning, and tossed a rock to knock it loose. It tumbled into the ground, slicing through branches as it tumbled. I grabbed it's right edge, the left being razor sharp, turned, and flung it again. This time, the boomerang arced around and I caught it, then tossed it again, this time attempting to knock it off course with some shuriken and other throwing weapons. The boomerang smacked into a tree, and I grinned, collecting my weapons and placing them back into my guitar. I counted the symbols and bunny heads, confirming that everything was in their proper place, before slinging the guitar onto my back.
    That's when I heard the explosion.
    My ears could pick up deer tripping over a mile away. My nose could smell the subtle pheromones in the human body. My eyes could count the lice on a dog from several yards away. It was an always active ability of mine, part of the thing that turned me into a walking talking mutt. It was a type of magic I didn't fully understand or control. I couldn't turn it off.
    That night, I could hear, see, and smell Hell. I could smell blood, cordite, burning flesh and fat. I could hear the screams, bones breaking, and the crackle of flames. I could only see the smoke over the tops of the trees, but, it told me enough.
    I raced back to the dorms, and skidded to a stop when I got to the end of the forest. Part of the building was burning, and people were buried under the rubble. I jumped into the fray, and started lifting off rubble as if it were Styrofoam. Another ability of mine. I tossed it aside, and began to dig for survivors.
  4. Mewmewcatfish

    Mewmewcatfish Active Member

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Jinx turned from the man she was dancing with and gave Hikaru a smile,"I think I saw him come in, but then he left a few minutes later. I guess he's not..."

    Jinx stopped, her body twitching violently as her eyes turned a sharp black. She let forth a earth shattering scream as blood began to flow down her eyes and ears. She slumped forward curling into a ball on the dancefloor as the party-goers started to stare,"MAKE THEM STOP! THEY ARE ALL DYING OR DEAD. EVEN THE DEAD ARE SCREAMING..ITS TOO MUCH. THEIR PAIN..."

    Jinx curled her hands around her head as harsh sobs racked her body.

    I stood in a sea of students who were shouting in pain, anger, and sadness. They were calling out to their mothers. They were feeling their regrets. The anguish of death could make a person delve into depression. This was a barrage of sorrow and above all terror. No one else could contemplate the suffering. Heĺl no one else knew. A small piece of my heart felt sadness for Archibalds corpse. Now he was fully gone from the world. I couldn't fully grief for him. Hell I could barely breathe without a barrage of emotion cutting my air supply off. I felt the their tears and their pain and it was too much.

    She suddenly slumped, her eyes remaining slightly open as she passed out.
  5. Ishnorb

    Ishnorb Member

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Falling into the rift....
    ~Rue & Theos~
    Headed to the club, Theos walks around the corner of a building. Due to his mind being filled with thoughts which troubled himself, Theos was not paying idle attention to his direction forward. With hands behind his head, eyes looking slightly up into the sky and his view forward. Theos completely misses view of Rue walking by, thus colliding into her. The bump into her, may have or not have caused her to loose footing. Theos however, merely stood his ground. "What the hell??" were the only words that escaped his lips as he stared onto Rue.

    Idly walking I gave a heavy sigh trying to think of what I would do for the rest of the evening. Well, that was before someone in front of me seemed to ram into me. "The hell!?" I fell back a step or two before catching my footing. "Watch where you're going!" I snap looking at Theos. I was a bit embarrassed that I wasn't really paying attention either but I was in no mood to have to apologize to someone else today.

    Only recently had the words 'where you're going.' snapped Theos' mentality back into reality. Taking in the situation at hand, Theos chuckled faintly, then producing a light cough to clear his throat before speaking. "I remember you." A few moments pass, his hand going to his chin as he thinks during the brief pause. "I may not remember your name, but I've seen you around." Thinking over if running into Rue was truly his fault or hers, he couldn't because he was to darned focused on thoughts which bothered him.
    Giving a feint smile, Theos decides on what to say. "Anyways, whether it means anything, apologies on my misstep there." Extending his hand Theos says. "The name's Theos. If you so kindly tell me yours, i'll do better to not forget it." Whether he was being serious, or a troll was incredibly hard to tell. Simply due to him not knowing which one he was actually being. Which occurred more often then it should......

    I look to Theos with a smile seeing how well he had taken what I had said. I kinda felt a bit bad now for snapping at him like I had done. Seeing his hand outstretched to me I would then hold my hand out as well to shake his. "Theos huh? I think I've seen you here and there as well. But honestly I was a bit in the dark about your name as well. My name is Rue."

    Noticing that Rue was wearing a dress, while thinking things over. Theos realized he didn't really plan shit out. Of course he can legally purchase and consume alcohol, however currency is rather important to get said alcohol. "Pleasure to meet you Rue." Pausing a moment to collect thoughts, his eyes flicker to their surroundings. "I have no idea what's gotten you into that dress your beautifully wearing. However I hope you have a good night." On that note, he pivoted on a heel and shifted direction from the Club, to now aiming towards the campus. His mind wandered if he should go back to campus, or discover a way to solve his currency troubles.

    "Well I was at the club back there for a short while..." I say walking in the same direction as Theos since that was my original goal. "Had a drink, saw the dancing, and I didn't really take any interest in anything there." I look to Theos curiously wondering why he turned around. "So uh, Theos. Why did you decided to head back this direction? I though you where going towards the club."

    Eyes still focused on the path back to campus, Theos responds to Rue. "Flat out an honestly, no money creates an issue for someone trying to buy a drink and drown a few sorrows." His expression was lackadaisical as always. Despite the fact he recently found out his friend is deceased. Hence why he was heading to the club to 'drown a few sorrows'. "Life can be quiet the bitch sometimes." Were the last words to be heard from Theos.

    "Ah I see...Not like a guy can't roam in and seduce an older woman into getting him a drink. That would be way to awkward and embarrassing for both parties. " I say with a heavy sigh not knowing what to really say to him for advice. "Well. I guess it was nice to talk to you Theos. I should probably head back to my room but if you need to take your mind off things, there are video games in the dorms you can take a crack at. It would at least let off a little stress. Either way though, goodbye. I guess I'll see you around." I stop in my tracks as the ground below me begins to rumble and shake as a large explosion happens off in campus.....where the dorms were. "What the hell!? "

    Theos was about to laugh in response to Rue's words, however his feint chuckle was cut short by the rumble under his feet. Since he never took eyes off of the path before him, he saw the light emit from the explosion along with the smoke that followed. "That was definitely an explosion. Looks like it was near...........the dorms." A few moments pass of Theos blankly staring in the direction of the explosion. However something strikes through his mind, the fact Roy was inside the dorm when he left. Thus if the dorms endured an explosion, Roy was in serious danger. "Roy was our dorm when I left!!!!!!" Theos barely even finished his sentence before he began sprinting towards the dorms.....
  6. Ishnorb

    Ishnorb Member

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Falling into the rift....
    Roy was inside his room when he heard the devastating sound. One moment the miniature ice sculpture was resting in his palm, about to reach completion. The next instant he was sprinting towards the only window inside the room he occupied. Before reaching the window, his gut gave him a wretched feeling. The roar of a bear echoed as he transformed into a Polar-Bear while mid-air outside the window. However this loud roar was cut short, by the boom of the Dorms explosion.

    Roy couldn't look back, his focus was on the branch which was somewhat below the window of his dorm. The drop didn't seem like much from the window, however it was. When Roy collided with the branch he smashed through it. Along with several other branches until he hit the ground. Luckily enough, when he hit the soil, only part of his body got covered by rubble. (He is still in Polar-Bear form.)
  7. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    David gently sniffed his downed friend’s hair, inhaling the goodness of it, his naked ass in the air as he padded around her continuing to sniff.

    “Yeeeeeep.” He said. “This is Jinx! What’s wrong with her?”

    “She’s suffering an overload of spirits.” A voice familiar to only Jinx replied. David frowned staring at unconscious Jinx and then back at the stranger.

    “Is…is….is Jinxy gonna die?” He sniffed. “Has she been like this for long?”

    “Hardly I came and found you as soon as I watched her writhe around in pain for a bit.” The other man. “It was actually pretty funny, she was like a fish.”

    David giggled softly. “A fish….hehehehehehehe.” He slapped his bare knee. “The blue haired boy’s eyes shifted towards Jinx’s chest.

    “Hey weird guy can I squeeze those thingies she has on her chest.” He licked his lips. “They look yummy.”

    “Control yourself.” Mr. Familiar replied. "You're already naked, you don't need to frighten anyone by getting wood."

    “Of course!” David saluted. “Only a creep would touch Jinx’s dirty pillows while she is down.” He paused for several seconds. “You look pretty shady.”

    Familiar smirked. “I am but right now I suggest you help out Miss dirty pillows.” David slid his arms under Jinx hoisting her up and without a word the stranger began moving to the backdoor of the club. David following along with Jinx in his arms.

    Jinx remained slumped as she was hoisted up her limbs, falling beneath her as she was picked up. Her eyes lolled slightly back as her mind shut down. Blood smears coated her cheeks and neck as she was carried away.

    Please make them stop...They have families. They have hopes and dreams. All of them were so young. Are some of them my friends. There terror is ripping me apart. Please let them be silent. MAKE THE FEELINGS STOP! SAVE THEM. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LET THEM GO!

    "You might as well make some use of that sword of yours." The familiar stranger said as he cut through the alley.

    David's eyes shifted towards Junior. "What ya want me to do? Junior makes a good toilet plunger ya know."

    "Alllll of my hate."

    "No nothing like that." He shoved his hands into his pocket. "Like I said your friend seems to be overloading. Your sword or well the being inside of it should be able to wall off the voices."

    "Who are you...." Junior's voice growled into the mind of the man who was giving out orders. "I'm simply a man doing things for the greater good." He bowed to the sword. "So Junior help Jinx. It would be in your best interest to do so."

    "Bwahahahahahah!" Junior let out a cliched evil laugh. "Was that a threat boy! I am a god! I could suck the bones from your very flesh and dance on the ashes of-"
    He cut in. "Less even babble more make with my request." The man ran a hand through his hair. "David you don't want Jinx to die to do you?"

    David swallowed his head shaking slightly. "Ummm....Junior can you pweeeease do it."



















    The man's arrogant expression remained unchanged watching Junior and David bicker but he blinked several times at that skill David had dragging a word out without passing out from oxygen loss.


    "OKAY!" Junior snapped his voice shaking the skulls of both David and his new companion.

    "ase." David finished

    "I'm an evil, evil, evil fucking villain and these fools will realize soon my power."

    "Less talk more work sword." The man laughed The voices in Jinx's mind began to die down, a wall of darkness surrounding her consciousness repelling the cries of the terrified spirits with its sheer demonic presence.

    Junior's voice and his the disgusting presence the only thing resonating in her mind.

    "You owe me girl." Junior said slowly. "Remember that."

    "You okay Jinxy?" David asked shaking her lightly

    When the world grew silent the voice of David and a scary demonic voice broke through the silence and slowly her blue eyes rolled back to normal. She gave a soft whimper as she looked up at the blue hair, and innocent expression.
    She reached up and clutched his shoulder, pulling herself up to cling to him. She left forth soft sobs as she hugged her friend. She buried her face in his neck and shivered. She knew doing this was impractical and strange but she needed some warmth. Some small shred of comfort from someone she knew.

    She was happy that the voices were silent but the world just seemed so cruel at the moment. She clung to him tightly trying to calm herself down.

    A small blush formed on the boy's face but didn't hesitate to pat the sobbing Jinx on the back. "Hey its alright!" He said happily. "Just a nightmare and stuff. Your buddies are all here now!"

    Jinx whimpered before speaking slowly her voice weak,"They all died David. Everyone was so scared and were in so much pain. I couldn't save them. What if one of them is Rue, or Joe...or...Mikkish."
    She sobbed again, fear moving up spine. Jinx opened her eyes to look past Davad when her body froze as she noted Dante watching them. Her voice turned harsh, as she glared at him from behind David,"Why are you here? Did you do this!"

    Dante shrugged his shoulders. "Do you really think I'd do something like that?" He asked a sly grin on his face.

    Jinx let go of David and stood on shaky legs. She trodded over quickly and grabbed Dante's sweater roughly. Her grip was weak and she was shaking on her heels but her voice grew stronger,"IF YOU HURT MY FRIENDS! I WILL KILL YOU!"
    Dante breathed out a sigh. "You always resort right to violence." He said. "You're in no condition to fight."

    "Besides." David said scratching his crotch. "He 's the one that found me and told me how to help you!"

    Jinx grit her teeth for a few more minutes before letting him go and turning back to watch David scratch his crotch. She blinked, looking at his naked form with weary eyes. She then looked back to Dante, her expression wilted,"Why did you help him. I thought you were enjoying hurting me."
    Jinx wavered, her form looking as though she could fall over at any minute.

    David was quickly behind her to support her in case of fall.

    Dante on other hand turned his back to her and started walking away. "That's the gaaaaaame." He said lazily

    Jinx shook her head, her confusion about Dante growing along with her annoyance. She looked at David's naked form and gave a smile,"Well..That's bigger then I thought. Do you mind helping me home. I don't want to be too far from you when death is still so..raw. I have a bad feeling that the school is...the target and I need to check to see if everyones alright."
    She leaned forward a bit and placed her hand on David's upper arm to steady herself,"Thankyou David."

    David beamed happily. "Yeah I know my mom always said I had really big nipples." He said complying with Jinx's request and two made their way towards the violence as quickly as they could.
  8. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    People died.
    She wasn't certain of that fact. She hadn't seen a corpse yet. She hadn't confirmed the dead of anyone yet. Yet she still knew it.
    Even the reaction of Jinx wasn't enough proof, even the people running around didn't work as enough proof. Yet she still knew it.
    She fell over her knees, her breathing become heavier and heavier, she wasn't in the same shock that Jinx was, however she had trouble withstanding it.
    Her body didn't felt the flow of the dead ones unlike Jinx, in fact her body didn't felt anything, yet something deeper within her felt that disgusting feeling.

    STAGNATION, an offense to the life, pollution for one's soul.

    Hikaru felt the weight of the dead ones in a different fashion than the other girl. She didn't felt their pain or suffering, she felt the wave of hate, a mass of curses that tried to slowly consume her. They weren't something comprehensible, instead a pure essence that her mind could not process. There were no words, just emotions.

    The question was, why? Why was she feeling that?. Was it something common?, sure a lot of people lied in the floor crying, others collapsed. Jinx's case was a particular one due to the nature of her magic. But... why was her own situation particular too? She had no connection to the world of the death, even with that she felt the negative flow of emotions piercing her.
    Yet luckily it didn't affect her, she didn't understood why, but she theorized the three belts somehow were involved in her being not being absorbed into that mass of hate. Perhaps something hiding within her mysterious past could give her an answer, certainly she did not know, but the box had the answer.

    The girl forcibly stood up trying to withstand the non existant pain. Whatever happened must have been catastrophic.

    "Right.... first I have to know... what happened...."
  9. mmarage

    mmarage The Detective Contributor

    May 4, 2013
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    I was moving rubble off of bodies and survivors using my light magic, it was quite draining, but I knew I had to continue as best as I could. I eventually got the rubble off of something... big... and furry... I wasn't sure what it was, it was white, but it definitely was a bit dirty from the ash and dust, I walked around it confused... until I came face to face with it... it was a polar bear! "KYAAAA!" I shouted, I backed away but tripped over a large piece of rubber behind me and landed firmly on my butt. "N-N-N-N-N-N-Nice bear...!" I said, I wasn't sure if it were alive or dead or even conscious.


    Leon had just been outside of the club, he looked up at the sign saying 'Cyanide'. He could picture someone getting poisoned with that here... He was sure he could find a few easy lays there... drunk and high men would be pretty susceptible to his telepathy. He had been about to enter when the explosion went off, shaking the ground. He looked over in the distance toward the school. "What now?" He asked annoyed. He hoped that the freak or the mutt got caught in the explosion...

    He found his way back to the school and saw the damage to the dorms. "...What... the fuck...!?" He asked his voice slowly growing, his anger taking control. It wasn't because of the act itself. Hell he couldn't care less about what happened to the people inside. But all of his stuff was in there! Thousands of dollars worth of designer clothing, games. technology, and his katana! "Are you fucking kidding me?!" He asked to no one in particular. If he ever got his hands on the bastard that did this, he was going to kill the bastard slowly and watch the life drain out of him.
  10. Ishnorb

    Ishnorb Member

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Falling into the rift....
    Rubble shifted as the Polar-bear moved showing signs of life. A heavy grunt could be heard upon waking up as well. Did the fall hurt that bad, enough to knock him out temporarily? Overhearing Joe's words, Roy begins to attempt getting up, however only a thunderous roar escapes the mouth of the bear as he fails. This outburst came from sheer pain due to broken bones. With pained words, Roy speaks despite being in polar-bear form. "I.......think..................bones..........are broken." It was more then obvious effort was greatly needed for not only speaking, but to stay conscious as well. Part of him wanted to revert to human form, the rest of him wasn't sure how the broken bones would endure the transformation back.
  11. mmarage

    mmarage The Detective Contributor

    May 4, 2013
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    "KYA!" I yelled again, I scooted backwards, afraid the hulking giant with huge claws was about to take my head off of my shoulders.... then it... talked? "A-Ah! A-A shapeshifter, thank god." I said sighing in relief, I got up and walked forward and gingerly put my hand on him, pink ribbons of energy flowed from my hand and wrapped around him and sunk into his flesh, dulling the pain, slowly sealing some wounds and mending minor fractures, I was sweating from the exertion, I had healed some survivors and gotten some rubble off of them so then they could drag themselves to safety, or at least ease the pain and burden from their bodies. I was tired, but not quite yet to the point of exhaustion.
  12. Ishnorb

    Ishnorb Member

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Falling into the rift....
    Roy's eyes flickered back and forth, studying the magic used to heal him. Once the healing ribbons finished mending minor bone fractures, he spoke. “Thanks....” Not long after, the polar-bear form faded into his original. Painfully pulling himself to a stand, his expression stoic. “The names Roy Hendrix. I owe you one.” His gaze was locked onto the building which was now complete rubble. Mind contemplating his next move, living inside that building was no longer possible.
  13. Kaitou Wolf

    Kaitou Wolf Active Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    "Come on, MOVE!"
    I lifted the heavy archway, grunting, and glaring at the kids who had got trapped under the rubble. They managed to squeeze out from under it, and I lowered the archway, puffing. I took a breath, and focused on my surroundings. A little north was another person, trapped, dying. She wouldn't make it. I grimaced, and tried focusing elsewhere, trying to ignore the heartbeat, the sweat, trying not to hear...
    "FUCK IT!"
    I leaped forward and slammed my fist into the rubble, clearing a pathway to the helpless victim. Air rushed into the hole.
    My blood turned to ice.
    A little girl, she couldn't be older than seven, probably visiting her sister or brother or maybe a daughter to someone who worked there. She was a kid.
    "MEDIC!" I screamed out, widening the hole. "I NEED A DAMNED MEDIC! JOE! SOMEONE!"
    I glanced at the girl, her breathing was shallow. She coughed.
    "Puppy," she said, smiling. "Green puppy..." My heart sank.
    "Y-yeah, green puppy," I said, slowly picking her up. "P-puppy's gonna get you somewhere safe. You're gonna be okay." Gingerly, I set her in my arms.
    "Hurts," she said, coughing. A bit of blood got on my arm, mingling with the red fur of my paws.
    "You're gonna be fine," I said, getting up. "MEDIC! HEALER! GET ME A DAMN HEALER!" The girl babbled about my fur, and I felt something sticky. I raised a paw, and could barely make out blood.
    If there's a God, I thought. I am begging you. Don't let her die like this.
  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Senior Member

    May 24, 2013
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    Mikkish thought, while slumped to his knees in front of the dorm and slightly tipsy. The building was now no more than a burning ruin, and all the living and the dead were now shadows before the light of the flames. Despite all the dead and injured, Mikkish' thoughts zipped immediately to the book. Surely it was now destroyed.

    But it couldn't be.

    Despite the book being nothing but an inanimate object, Mikkish felt a great sense of loss at its destruction. Who? Who had done this? Whoever it was, Mikkish would pound them into a crimson paste of gore.


    Mikkish immediately heard the voice of someone he knew. It didn't matter who exactly it was, but obviously someone was in trouble. Mikkish rushed immediately to the dog man, who was shouting for assistance. Mikkish had little experience with healing magic, but he had to try. He couldn't just let some innocent girl die a painful death like this.

    He hovered his hands over the wounds on her body, and let forth the pink healing energy. A little at a time, the wounds began to close. Slowly, but she was getting better by the second, and the profuse bleeding had halted.
  15. mmarage

    mmarage The Detective Contributor

    May 4, 2013
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    I heard Tam shouting. "I'm Joe, and it's no trouble, just rest, if you're well enough try to help whoever you can." I said, with that I charged off and saw Mikkish and Tam, I saw Mikkish healing a little girl and stopped next to them and began to help Mikkish heal the little girl, our combined energies sealing the wounds faster and to a much higher degree than what either of us could do alone. "You're going to be alright, just hang in there, okay?" I asked giving a reassuring smile.
  16. Kaitou Wolf

    Kaitou Wolf Active Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    The girl got some color in her cheeks, and her heartbeat got stronger. She looked around with a curious look on her face, wincing a bit.
    "Green puppy!" she said, suddenly excited, hugging me. I held her close, and glanced at Joe and Mikkish.
    "Thank you," I said, voice cracking. "Someone should get her with the other survivors..." She snuggled into my fur, smiling. I didn't have the heart to ask her where her parents were. Or anything about the bomb. Instead, I held her close and carried her to the group.
    "Stay here," I said. She nodded, and curled into a ball, soon falling asleep. I focused on her. Still some minor injuries, but, she'd be fine in the morning. I turned to Joe and Mikkish.
    "First dibs," I said, well aware that my voice had the edge of a growl to it. "When we find this guy, I get first dibs at his heart." I stomped off, searching for more survivors.
  17. Kingtype

    Kingtype Banned Contributor

    Sep 12, 2012
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    Right under your nose!
    David had set Jinx gently down a few feet away from charred remains of the dorm rooms. His efface blank as he scanned the various corpse and paramedic trucks that surrounded him. Of course more sirens were blaring in the distant. David scratched between his butt cheeks watching the paled, terrfied and furious faces of Mikkish, Ace, Joe, Tam and all other friends digging through the rubble.

    Wellllll nothing seemed to out of the ordinary.

    A yawn escaped his lips "I'm gonna go sleep now fellas." He said walking straight towards smoldering remains.

    Before anyone berate him or warn him David collapsed face first into ash and fragments of buildings, his eyes shutting once he started to toss and turn.

    But....they quickly snapped open. "Heeeeeeeeeeey...." His voice trailed off. "Did someone move the building?"
  18. Nia

    Nia Active Member

    Sep 15, 2013
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    I continue to walk down the sidewalk looking at the rising smoke as I get closer. It definitely was the dorms. A mixture of fear and anger started taking hold of me. I was a short walk away from actually coming into this building. Would I have died if I left earlier? Would I be severely injured....or trapped? These were all things running through my mind. But none of those trumped the thought that peeked my anger. My knife had been in my room. The knife I have had for years gone in an instant. More than likely reduced to melted scrap metal in the rubble. I shake my head muttering to myself a few blatant cuss words as I looked around. People seemed to be trying to help any survivors. Well,.....healing magic? No. Strength?.....No. Well there was no real way for me to help anyone. I decide to find a spot to sit down and watch so that I was out of the way of the people who actually could help.
  19. Mewmewcatfish

    Mewmewcatfish Active Member

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Jinx sat quietly at the edge of the charred dorm, her expression pained as she looked at what no one else could see. The students stood confused and scared, watching their own bodies carted off. They were crying and yelling and trying to hurt the living but nothing could make them still. She stood, moving through the invisible crowd with tears rolling down her bloodied cheeks. She saw her friends were luckily unhurt. Each one she saw made her feel happy and guilty at the same time.

    She walked past Mikkish and her other friends, trying to see if she could find any survivors when suddenly a loud yell came up behind her,"HEY THAT'S THE RUSSIAN! SHE CAN SEE US!"

    She turned still, feeling as though a tidal wave of energy was behind her. She turned slowly as the eyes of forty dead students bore into her from every angle. She gave a small smile,"Okay...before you..."

    Voices sprung around her as yelling was thrown her way. "RESSURECT US! SAVE US! SAVE ME..NO ME..."

    They all blended together as the crowd moved in on her and she began to panic,"Look..I can't. I don't have enough power to ressurect you all and I will not choose who gets to say goodbye and who doesn't. I am sorry you died..but."

    Suddenly a brick hit her full in the face and she fell back into the rubble, as blood began to run down her nose. She coughed, her eyes widening as fear began to flow down her face,"YOUR FUCKING SORRY! WHY DO YOU GET TO LIVE. WHY DO YOU GET TO CHOOSE. FUCK YOU."

    Jinx felt pure terror as she stood up and tried to run away, her body moving through the masses when suddenly her legs were pulled out from under her and she was dragged through the glass and ash by invisible hands. She screamed, when suddenly she was lifted up by a few students and thrown towards a still intact collum. She hit hard, crumpling to the ground where she spit up blood and tears began to fall down her face,"No! STOP IT! STOP IT...LET ME GO..HEEEELPP!"

    She dodged another brick that just barely missed her head and she tried to crawl away before she fell to the side as if she was being repeatedly kicked. She tried to kick them off or move them, but they could choose when to solidify with energy and remain nothing but smoke. She swore, trying to escape when a sharp katana slammed down beside her stomach ripping into the side of her belly and ruining her dress. She screamed in agonizing pain, her bravado gone as she laid in the rubble.
  20. lixAxil

    lixAxil Self-Proclaimed Senator of the RPG subforum. Contributor

    Sep 1, 2012
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    The sea of fragments
    Hikaru's steps klutzly and slowly advanced. With each step she felt a stronger pressure that tried to bring her down and she did lose balance more than once.

    "What......what is this?.... what is?... I don't get it..." mumbled as she moved her body slowly closing to the dorms.

    And then she met the horror, hell drove into earth. The girl fell over her knee, she didn't had any particular interest or feeling toward most of the students, yet she still fell.

    Because the pressure grew and moreover because she felt that this wasn't the first time such scenario was played in front of her. There was nothing on her memory, not even a blurry remain, this meant the deja vu feeling wasn't born on her mind, but instead was something deeply attached to the very core of her existence, something stronger than the memory, something that not only made her whole body to tense but also an influx of emotions to go slowly more deranged.

    Her eye caught the scene of Jinx, she wasn't the girl who could see and talk with spirits, so she was just seeing Jinx's mad movements, bizarre, unnatural, eeriee. Hikaru considered for an instant to walk toward the girl, but she was assaulted once again by a massive pressure.

    The purest and unadultered hate of those who died. What Hikaru felt was uncomprehensible by any of her five senses, thus she was not sure she was even "feeling" something, it was a more abnormal way her being received information, the bizarre way that the dead ones uses to send messages with the difference that they weren't delivering any message, they wanted to grab her and drove her with them, destroy her soul and have a banquet with it all to calm their envy, they envied the existence of Hikaru, they mourned not over their deaths but over her very presence.

    The girl desperately pressed her head with her hands, as if trying to squeeze that wave of hate. She wanted to scream but she was unnable to, yet her legs still worked and even if barely, the girl run in despair, the fartest she could from Jinx but without losing sight of the dorms. Because she remembered the box that now was probably lying buried by the debris.
  21. mmarage

    mmarage The Detective Contributor

    May 4, 2013
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    To the Rescue!

    I saw what was happening as she had passed by me and Mikkish. I ran forward as she was dragged away and then attacked. "W-What the...?" I asked shocked, I looked around and saw Ace. "Maybe he can help..." I thought. "A-Ace, I need some help over here!" I called out as I rushed over to Jinx.

    "What is it?" Ace asked kneeling up from the paramedic he was helping with a patient. Ace's calm face was strangely pale once his eyes zoned in on Jinx being tossed, dragged and attacked by an obviously unseen force.

    "Joe!" Ace's voice snapped. "Stop!"

    I stopped in my tracks, not because of Ace's warning... but because a bunch of debris was flying right at me from Jinx's direction. I thrust my hands out and a bright white barrier appeared in front of me,repelling the debris as it made contact. "I-I'll be fine, we gotta help Jinx!" I called back.

    "I said." Ace closed his eyes and before Joe could process the next moment Ace was in front of him like his sharp eyes narrowed with concern at Joe. "Don't rush in. Let me go first. You use light magic correct?"

    I blinked a few times, amazed by Ace's speed. "S-Sorry... and yes, I do." I said, I didn't want him to be put in harm's way, but he was probably more experienced than I was and knew what he was doing.

    "Alright I'm going to take care of what's bothering her. I'm going need you to calm her down once the issue is handled." Ace sucked in a breath his eyes following Jinx or more precisely he was watching what was harming her.

    Once again before Joe could blink Ace was standing over the screaming Jinx his index which looked more like it was made of pure static as opposed to flesh. He poked the girl in the head.....

    Jinx's eyes rolled into the back of her head, slow crackling erupted in the air and one by one Jinx heard silent screams dying down. A massive migraine shooting through her skull but strangely enough. All ties with the spirits in the vicinity had been severed completely.

    Ace skipped back. "Now!" He motioned for Joe

    I nodded and ran up next to Jinx, using my barrier to deflect the rocks, bricks, and other debris that, what I assume to be, ghosts were throwing at me. I looked at the hazards that were floating in the air. Jinx constantly heard ghosts and these ones were very angry... they would continue to harass her and lash out at the living... I couldn't let them do that... but I couldn't see them, and I couldn't fight them... so I did the only thing that I could do...

    I put a barrier around Jinx and turned to face the invisible threat. "Enough!" I shouted, they continued to advance, I hoped this would work... I willed my calming aura to stretch out as far as it could possibly go... I hoped that it could affect the spirit world as the physical one. "I know you're all hurting, I know that your lives were cut far too short, it's not fair that you were taken from your loved ones, before you could realize your dreams. But this isn't fair to her either. She's just human. She can't give you back your lives, and she can't live your dreams for you, and it's unfair for you to push her into it too. She lives like this every day, giving her all to put souls to rest, pushing herself to the point of exhaustion because the dead won't allow her to rest and they expect her to lead them to eternal peace. If you don't care for her, at least think of your loved ones... do you really think that they would want you to be attacking innocent people, to be in this pain forever? No! They'd want you to move on and rest in peace. They want you to be happy, they want you to move on and see you again in the next life, they don't want you to suffer like this... please... just let go, move on and please be happy." I pleaded, I knew this was suicidal... I had left myself completely unprotected... if this didn't work. I'd likely die.

    My words... they cut through the sadness... the anger... the regret... the ghosts, they calmed down... the debris fell back to the ground... soon they began to glow brightly... and then they were gone. They had moved on. I fell to my knees panting, completely exhausted, the barrier behind me fading away, the calming aura returning to it's normal position around me. "It worked... they calmed down..." I said smiling, I began laughing in relief. Not realizing the true results. I looked back at Jinx. "Are you alright?" I asked.
  22. Ishnorb

    Ishnorb Member

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Falling into the rift....
    ~Theos and Roy~

    Roy had positioned himself by a tree not far from the destroyed dorms. This tree was not the one he landed on, to survive the fall from his dorm-room window. Eyes scanned the area to see commotion, people dealing with the situation at hand. He saw the issue forming with Jinx, though before he could act, Ace and Joe stepped in.

    Theos had arrived to the scene a little bit ago, standing in front of the pile of rubble now know as the dorms. Looking to his left, then right. He sees Rue in the distance, Hikaru fleeing, Jinx who seemed in trouble. No wait, it seems Joe and that Ace guy are handling things. Then he spots Roy. "YOU BASTARD!"

    Head shifting up towards Theos upon hearing his name, previously staring at the ground deep in thought. "Oh hey Theos." Before Roy even finished his sentence, Theos was standing beside him, leaning against the tree he was at. "What the hell happened? Were you in the Dorms when this happened?" Roy weakly shook his head in aggreance. "I was in side the building when it blew up. Well i guess technically i was falling from the window aiming for that tree." His right hand lifted, pointing to the tree he used to survive his fall. Then his right hand shifted towards Joe. "That boy also saved me from being in critical condition." A few moments passed before Roy spoke again a ting of anger in his voice.

    "Your cellular device is destroyed, I didn't grab it before I leaped from the window. I also feel the culprit to this crime needs to be punished. Vengeance will be something I will be searching for." Theos looked confused slightly, He had never heard such a comment from Roy. Roy is always so lackadaisical or monotone. "Just don't get yourself killed, foolishly chasing someone who is obviously dangerous." Were the only words Theos spoke as he scanned the area, standing next to his roommate.
  23. Kaitou Wolf

    Kaitou Wolf Active Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    I heard Jinx screaming from across the way, distracting me long enough to make me realize how tired I felt. I had lifted several tons of rubble in the past few minutes without much of a break, and was probably gonna pass out any second now. Stubbornly, I focused back on the rubble, listening for heart beats. There were less of them than there were mere minutes ago. I ignored the dead for now and focused on the living. Cracking my knuckles, I dug back into the rubble.
    Several minutes later, I managed to rescue a pair of frat brothers. After setting them aside, I noticed the girl I had rescued earlier was awake and walking towards me with a bottle of water and a bit of food. She gave them to me with a look on her face, and I knew better than to say no. As I ate, I looked at her, examining her. She nodded at me, then went to get more food, picking up some sandwiches she must have stolen from somewhere and walking up to Joe and Ace.
  24. Mewmewcatfish

    Mewmewcatfish Active Member

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Jinx was exhausted, her body was sore and she had a migraine that seemed as though it would rip her brain to shreds. She wanted to stand but she was too tired? There was too much pain? She didn't know which was more important. She did know though that she was grateful.

    She looked up at Joe slowly, her voice weaker then she expected,"I think I'm growing just as tired of saying thankyou as you are saving me...but...thankyou."

    She turned slowly to look at Ace,"Thankyou for making them be silent. They..didn't deserve this. They were so...young."

    Jinx grunted before rolling over onto her knees. Her body was ruined with scratches, and large bruises. Her stomach was the worst as she pulled free of the katana, blood spilling down her side as she began to support herself on her knees. Her form swayed slightly as the migraine hit her full force. She felt the urge to wretch but she noticed there was something wrong with her nose, and was only breathing through her mouth.

    She clenched her fist then bent forward, and snapped her broken nose back into place. With that she arched her back and threw up into the ash and rubble.

    She shut her eyes when she was done and shivered, before moving to her legs and placed her hands on the open cut emanating just over her hip. "I am not going to waste anymore time. People need help. I am in no position to help so I might as well get the fuck outta the way. Thankyou again, I owe you."

    She began to slowly walk away from the rubble, her body rigid as she pretended to be fine. When she found her way to the schools garage, she grabbed a few clean oil cloths and a small chunk of wood from a broken hammer. She shoved the chunk of wood in her mouth and began to pull out pieces of glass that were embedded in her body. When she finally got them all out she tied up a few of the larger gashes and looked down at her large wound. She had it heavily covered but it needed to be sealed. She swore, before turning to look at the fire place and the long slab of metal that was sticking into it. She blinked, and began to kick off her heels, before cracking her neck and walking forwards.


    A few seconds later she was on the ground huddled by her bike, tears staining the floor and a deep red burn marred the side stomach and scarred her flesh. She shivered, sweat dripping off her as she tried to fall asleep. She would worry about her body tomorrow, because tonight her thoughts were for the dead.
  25. mmarage

    mmarage The Detective Contributor

    May 4, 2013
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    "I should probably do the same... sorry I can't be more help." I said, I rose unsteadily to my feet and stumbled away and sat beneath a tree, I felt guilty because there were still so many people that needed help and I was just sitting here resting. I couldn't even heal Jinx's wounds myself... at least the ghosts weren't wreaking havoc. I watched the scene in silence. "...Whoever did this, will be punished for their crimes." I thought.

    Leon had seen what happened... something took his katana! He walked over once the threat seemed to be neutralized and pulled the katana from the ground. "Ah they got blood all over it." He said annoyed. He grumbled and walked away.

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