  1. Spacescifi1

    Spacescifi1 Banned

    Jan 23, 2020
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    Help... I Cannot Think Of A Function For These Eyes

    Discussion in 'Science Fiction' started by Spacescifi1, Jan 23, 2020.

    So I have created a scifi humanoud race with totally black eyes.

    There is no visible pupil or 'whites', it is just all black.

    The real reason is that I like the look as iy distinguishes them from other races who have more normal human eyes.

    Problem is that I cannot think of any way such eyes would offer an advantage.... despite research.

    Research reveals this: Eye color seems to have minimal but slight effect on color vision. Lighter eyes see colors more vividly but don't like bright sun, whereas darker eyes can track motion easier and take more sun.

    Animal vision traits seems like an option, even though their eyes don't look solid black (except some insects).

    Hmmm... wow. Guess I just answered my own question view thinking out loud.

    I can just make their eyes more sensitive to motion and be more resistant to eye damage from brightness compared to human eyes.

    To keep up their reaction times must be faster too, so they likely will have a faster metabolism than humans, prompting them to both eat and poop and rest more frequently than humans do.

    If you have any alternative ideas feel free to share them.

    I am also thinking to make their world have a slower rotation so they have longer daylight periods, giving good reason for having eyes that can deal witj brightness longer.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2020
    Cdn Writer likes this.
  2. Iain Aschendale

    Iain Aschendale Lying, dog-faced pony Marine Supporter Contributor

    Feb 12, 2015
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    Face down in the dirt
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    Telemachus Sneezed
    I can't speak to why they would be all black, but there's a theory about why humans and humans alone have such large and visible sclera (whites) to our eyes. From this article in Psychology Today:

    Might give you something to mull over as to what your creatures would be losing, in terms of nonverbal communication.
    Cdn Writer likes this.
  3. Spacescifi1

    Spacescifi1 Banned

    Jan 23, 2020
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    Thanks... I remember I read that article months ago.

    It means that the aliens would rely more on gestures and body language to convey how they feel.

    For example, monkeys tend to follow wherever the head is pointed, assuming one is looking in that direction, whereas humans follow the gaze of the eyes.

    I am still working out their unique behavior though, which is unrelated to their vision.

    One small plus is that one can use the eye of another like a mini mirror, inasmuch our black shiny cellphone screens grant the same ability
    Cdn Writer likes this.
  4. SisterNight

    SisterNight New Member

    Jan 10, 2020
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    Maybe the aliens communicate through thought? This would negate the need for whites of their eyes to communicate.
    Cdn Writer likes this.
  5. Spacescifi1

    Spacescifi1 Banned

    Jan 23, 2020
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    Could work but difficult.

    The nice thing about vocals is we can recognized and didtinguish voices.

    How does one recognize and distinguish through thought without some form of speech?

    Pictures is one way but it is arguably less efficient than using words.

    Unless they speak audibly through the mind as if they had internal headphones that spoke in their natural voice.

    If I did that I would make it an area effect ability that all could 'hear' if they chose to. Like a one way radio walkie talkie that broadcasts the same message to all.

    Speaking audibly would still be in fashion, but to get word out fast one simply does the telepathic methodm.

    Actually... I will just let them have a natural radio ability to broadcast to ithers who tune in. Broadcadting whayever they say.
    Cdn Writer likes this.
  6. Xoic

    Xoic Prognosticator of Arcana Ridiculosum Contributor Blogerator

    Dec 24, 2019
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    Way, way out there
    I like where you're going with this. All our most focused thoughts are in subvocal form or outright vocal (or written). Thought without language is vague and indistinct, almost at an animal level (maybe it actually would be). This is why in order to really develop ideas you need to either discuss with other people (though that can get you off the topic rapidly), have an inner dialogue or monologue in actual sentences, or write in a journal or something.

    In fact people who tend to wrestle with complex thoughts often talk to themselves or their pets because it helps to work out details. So much for the old adage "The first sign of insanity is talking to yourself, and the second is answering." It's actually a sign of high intelligence, at least in some cases. I think the first sign of insanity might be talking to complete strangers on buses or in bars.
    Cdn Writer likes this.
  7. Spacescifi1

    Spacescifi1 Banned

    Jan 23, 2020
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    On second thought I think I will refrain from biological radio or telepathy.

    The eyes function well enough as designed.

    Maybe I will give them a frog like tongue to catch mini flying lobstoids to eat as they walk about.

    That would at least make use of their rapid movement detection.

    For all other races each unique alien part of their body had a purpose and was not just there because I liked the look.

    This black eyed race is the first that has other features that I really cannoy quantify as having a purpose.

    For example: They are bald, but have rows of cones on the scalp covered by skin.

    I cannot think of a purpose for the cones other than they give them a unique look.

    I even played with empaths, telepaths, but did'nt like either concept.

    What I may do is settle the for memory storage.

    Meaning the cones store visual recordings of what an alien looks at while awake.

    If they so choose they can record, but it is rather obvious since it requires one palm to be touching the cones.

    Watching a record involves closing the eyes, and observing while having at least one palm pressed to the scalp cones. Can fastforward or rewind at will.

    Storage is not deleted but can be written over with new recordings.
    Cdn Writer likes this.
  8. Cdn Writer

    Cdn Writer Contributor Contributor

    Aug 11, 2019
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    TRYING (!!!) to read Eric Flint's "Ring of Fire" series.......it's soooo many books!!!!!
    Sign language? Look at some of Sean Forbes work on YouTube. He's a deaf rapper inspired by Enimen. My favourites of his work are "Watch these Hands" and "Two Blown Speakers." I didn't like "I'm Deaf" but each to his own....
  9. GingerCoffee

    GingerCoffee Web Surfer Girl Contributor

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Ralph's side of the island.
  10. Spacescifi1

    Spacescifi1 Banned

    Jan 23, 2020
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    I know about goat eyes. Panoramic vision. Farsighted. Dichromatic vision. So they see less colors than we do but like many animals have tapetus lucidum (shine a light at night on a cat and the eyes glow). Thus they see better in the dark than we do.

    Know what the ironic thing is? Human vision can see more colors than virtually all animals, with some birds being an exception.

    So if you like color vision for your aliens, human eyes are ideal.

    Bird eyes can see color vision plus ultraviolet light.
    And no I don't have a clue how that might look.

    Although I have seen video that shows that ultraviolet light makes the female birds a lot more noticable than are to humans with plain color vision.

    Something only a male bird can truly appreciate.
  11. newjerseyrunner

    newjerseyrunner Contributor Contributor Contest Winner 2022

    Apr 20, 2016
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    The whites of our eyes may have evolved simply to allow us to communicate with each other easily without making any noise. The whites allow others to know where we are looking, I remember reading that a study even confirmed that dogs pick up on these movements too. I don't think it's necessary though, it's just a happy accident that was useful to us so it was naturally selected for.

    I don't think you need a special function, lots of animals have essentially black eyes.
    Even our close relatives:

    While people looking closely will notice whites at the edges and the brown iris, if I had to colloquially describe any of these creatures eyes "black" would be my first word.
  12. J.D. Ray

    J.D. Ray Member Supporter Contributor

    Oct 15, 2018
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    Oak Harbor, Washington, USA
    It's so we know when to shoot at each other. :D
    Cave Troll and Iain Aschendale like this.

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