In a project of mine, a female character disguises herself as a man in order to be able to attempt to tame a dragon. Dragon taming is basically a...
My protagonist's father, Dranolin, was approached by a warlock called Dalgorax, who was helping these creatures called seed-cats create and breed...
How quickly or slowly do you let your story unfold? I've been playing with the slow unfold, dispersing pieces of the story as they come into play...
Whilst writing this draft of my first young adult fantasy novel, I've had a new idea which could provide an interesting plot twist and allow for...
I've been going back and restructuring my early chapters recently, and I started to wonder if I should remove my prologue. In my prologue, a duke...
I don't know how to go about my character finding out his best friend's been murdered. I already have the aftermath of him finding out in my head....
Spoilers ahead, obviously. So in my book, this character Daktarash steals a crystal from the emperor that happens to be very valuable-- it makes...
Hi, I'm writing a novel in which the main character finds out he's an android early on. I'm trying to find a good way to portray his throughts...
So, I got what I think is going to be a 5 book series. The true big bad is not in book 1. Actually, no hint to him is in book one. Some...
In the current story I'm working on, I have a plot twist that I want to put in the end. It deals with a character revealing herself to be the MC's...
Separate names with a comma.