1. G. J.

    G. J. Member

    Jan 31, 2019
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    Tennessee, US
    Currently Reading::
    The Crossing by Micheal Connelly

    1st rejection

    Discussion in 'Traditional Publishing' started by G. J., May 26, 2022.

    Got my 1st rejection on my first-ever novel. I've sent it out to a few agents, knowing full well that there would be rejections. In fact, I'll probably do a few more rounds of sending my query out before maybe getting a bite. Still, it took me a couple of hours for me to wrap my head around the fact that my request was rejected. I'm fine with it now, so I need to get busy on my next project.
    AntPoems and B.E. Nugent like this.
  2. FFBurwick

    FFBurwick Active Member

    May 8, 2022
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    From accounts of it that I find I expect rejection from queries now when I would try getting the first of my novels that I made ready to be published. Not that I would be just fine with that, it is disappointing, when I put effort into what stories I write, but knowing those would be niche and the publishers I first try may well not be accepting of it, it is better I know from the accounts I found how it can be than if I knew nothing of others' experiences, which would have it be much more a blow to me. I hope you see your work accepted soon still.

    And thanks G. J. for your thougtful welcome message to me.
  3. G. J.

    G. J. Member

    Jan 31, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Tennessee, US
    Currently Reading::
    The Crossing by Micheal Connelly
    If I'm got to connect with other writers, I must say hello. I hope you have a marvelous weekend.

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