I was just a bit curious to know how long this site has been on the net. Not really relevant or anything, just my curiousity. That's all.
Thank you, that clears up just one of the many random thoughts in my head. This site is pretty prosporous for being around for only a year and a half.
If we want to be technical, May 13th 2006 was the installation date of the software. So it really depends on what you consider starting. The site didn't really get much activity, if I recall, until mid-to late June 2006 (even then it wasn't much).
Pretty much When I joined we started to become more active with a big influx of members and has stayed true ever since. Unfortunatly alot of those earlier members have long gone but we still continue to thrive and I estimate in a year to two years we will be a very big place indeed with a lot of traffic.
So it;s active cause ur so cool. I knew those glasses were some sort of hypno gadget. Join writingforums.org......