Ok, so I need a word that rhymes with 'wind' and that means something like evil or darkness. Is there such word? I know there is!
Nevermind heroes. But I need one that rhymes with fighters that is a verb... something that implies action.
I can't think of any. I think the -er suffix implies that the word is a noun, so finding a verb ending in -er would probably be difficult. Hm... *strokes chin and ponders*
'do-righters'?... not a verb, but an active noun at least... and good/effective rhyming doesn't restrict one to single words, y'know... this is a poor example, 'cause i haven't had my morning's green tea yet and am short on time, but for 'heroes' for instance, you could use 'three toes' if it made any sense, which i doubt it does... the emphasis is on the wrong syllable, but it should give you an idea of what i mean... if you're going to do serious rhyming, you should get yourself a good rhyming dictionary... much of my masses of poetry is rhymed, so i use one a good deal... i have the 'webster's new american rhyming dictionary' in pb and it's a major help... in a pinch, you can also use this online one, though a book is much better: http://www.rhymezone.com/
OK... I've been thinking about it, and these words are still not too great, but maybe try: Stirs, ushers, renders, betters, clatters, batters, enters Maybe?
Some one helped me already in the Poetry section. I changed the verse, so I would need a word like magician or wizard, you know... A magic user. I used scriers (scry = crystal ball gazing and those things). Thanks anyway!