Hi hi! As you may see I'm new here, and I'm writing a script for a project of mine who has been in my head since I was 13, I would like to draw it as a storyboard-like comic one day, but for now, I'm just retouching the basic concept of the story. Everything is adjusted fine I believe, the story itself sets in the medieval era (just because I'm really nerd for everything related to middle age ) but, there is a character I'm struggling with. He is a male ( about 20-25 years old) and he has a daughter ( 5-7 years old) who he got under some kind of ritual thingy (Still working on that haha) he was forced to do when he was 18, the guy scapes after that with the baby (just because if he abandoned her there he was going to feel guilty) and the story keeps evolving after that incident. My question here is the next one, should I keep a father-daughter bond or change the girl as his sister? I thought of just remove her, but I can't since both take a big role in the story, but on the other side I don't want to make readers feel unconfortable or something related to that. In advance, thank you for replying! By the way, sorry if my english sounds weird, I'm hispanic and english is my second language
Either way you make their relation you should be fine. Though it sounds like you have an adoptive type relation going on with them, so Father-Daughter roles could work just fine. Good Luck.
I agree, either would work. Either way, it's going to turn out like a father-daughter relationship because of the age difference.
No,no you aren't missing anything! Well, I've read some stories in my opinion were pretty nice and original, but they touched some "sentient" themes, some people were fine with it (like me), but some other feeled touched or related, and just because I don't want to have this problem I wanted to take off my concern. I know there are some sensitive persons out there and I don't want them to feel awkward haha Firstly because I'm writing about a young father n.n
I don't see why a father and daughter relationship would be a problem for someone. Unless you are taking a twisted turn with it. I think it seems to be O.K
Hey @AshleyGrim, firstly welcome to the forum. I agree with the others that them being father and daughter works perfectly fine and there's really no reason for anyone to have issues with it. Oh and Good luck with you story .