Hey anyone here, selling short stories on amazon? How do you go about it? I tried looking and got lost....
Just upload them through KDP. But Amazon has taken steps that has hurt revenue for short stories, and I'm not sure how many people are going to pay even $.99 for a short story, which gets you about thirty cents per sale. I'd look into it more before writing specifically for that purpose. If you're writing short stories for markets and then putting them online alone or in compilations, that's a bit different.
Ooh cool idea like 4-5 in one... im not too bothered about making much, its more just for the experience really.. i just wondered what it be like to pop something on.. spread it about even ifs a penny lol... im not expecting to make anything .... just for fun.., but i have noooo clue, but kdp.. i look into it.... thank you
Short stories on KDP can be a good way to self promote too. a free story can lure the reader in to want to read more of your writings.