Someone else posted a thread here called "What would your MC do?" This thread is like that, but it's more of a "What would your antagonist do?" Antagonists, while important, seem to be overlooked a lot. I find them much more interesting than protagonists. You can respond in your antagonist's voice, but you don't have to. Just state what your antagonist would think, and then ask a question for the next person to respond to. What would an entry in your antagonist's diary look like? NO MEMBER MAY POST MORE THAN TWICE PER 20 POST PAGE
Thursday, Nov. 5 RAINBOW: Resigning. I never win. Getting me a new gig next year. What would your 'ANTI' (can I nickname the antagonist this?) do with himself if the MC is finally eliminated?
The feeling was bittersweet - like killing a rabid dog he had painstakingly trained. He'd call his superiors in the morning and confirm NAO's nuetralization, as well as begin the process of brown-nosing requisite to regaining his former position. But for now, all he had energy for was letting the realization percolate. His greatest blunder was finally, definitively rectified - at the cost of his greatest success. Smith took a deep sigh of relief. John's mind was finally destroyed in all his defective forms and NAO eradicated from the face of the planet. The thought of never having had a chance for another one of their lofty conversation was tragic. His most fascinating subject was gone, but now he could finally relax. It was over. "Goodbye, friend." Smith whispered, solemnly raising a glass of brandy to his nemesis' memory. "You were too clever for your own good." What does AC/Antag think of MC's motives/reasons for doing what they do?
"John's motives were simple, save his family's farm and pay off his father's debts, in the end, his motives where respecable, but the end didn't justify the means." What would your antagonist do in their spare time?
Dammit! I need a good antag! D= Okay, uh... I'm gonna use Amos' antagonists, because I like the guy so much! Amos' Antagonist: I care for the blind. Amos: O___O Le' WTF?! Amos' Antagonist: What? Your family are no different in that regard, raising a blind child. Mike Wolfletter: *barges in* I am the antagonist of Link's Western novel. Well, technically I'm his anti-hero, but I like to see myself as the antagonist. Now, what do I do in my spare time? Smoke, whittle with my knife, play cards with my buds, etc. What would your antag do if graced with the infant of your MC?
Smith would probably either lump it into the O.F.M.Y. (Organ Farming Marginal Yield) or psychomort program, or otherwise dedicate it to one of his more inhumane R&D projects. A sick but passive retaliation I suppose. An infant is but a mere paltry semblance of a full human-being to him anyhow - there's nothing to hurt but a mindless ball of reflexes and drives, and hence really nothing to feel guilty about. Your Antag finds your MC's diary. What would they do with it? Would they read it? What would they find out? What would they think about it? Any/all questions that are applicable, ect.
Mayor Darlow would probably burn John Defoe's diary, because all he needs is to wipe out all evidence of John and his family farm. If your Antagonist was placed into a different time era, which time era would it be, and how would they react?
Amos' Antagonist: Wait, WTF?! Where am I? *Helen Chert arrives* Helen: Woah, who are you? Amos' Antagonist: I'm supposed be the antagonist of Amos Garnier from the 1770s. Helen: Well, this is 2945, so... Amos' Antagonist: Wait...d'did you just say...2945? Helen: Well...yes. Amos' Antagonist: *faints* Helen: Bloody hell... Your antag's prized memory is...
Kell: Betraying the one who he used to love. Her grief-stricken face made up for all the struggle he went through in the past to get her to understand him. Michael: He doesn't have too many. I'll have to come up with one for him later... What does your antag do in his/her free time when he/she isn't out seeking their goals?
Standard rations, what everyone eats in the Complex. Lots of grains, tubers, legumes, ect. Although he is a senior official - one of the R&D triumvirate - & permitted special privileges, it looks good to forego them - austerity & all - which he does generally. It's vacation time!! Where does Antag go? What does he/she do? Does he/she actually relax or merely use the time to scheme, plot, ect?
Vacations are for the lesser races. Although he enjoys the occasional evening sitting at home with a good brandy and his violin. Is your antag a PC, Mac, or Linux user?
Gareth uses SYNOPS - a proprietary OS - when at work. PC otherwise. In the future (Ooooo) Microsoft goes on to ruthlessly monopolize the public OS market. Not unlike nowadays. Mac doesn't exist anymore, sadly, other than in museums. What's your Antag's style? Interpret it how you want.
Old World, refinement, and elegance. Ridding the multiverse of inferior races would be the work of common thuggery if one did not have style. In times of old, commoners would be positively honored to be done away with by a gentleman of the Old Empire. Something to tell the grandchildren about. Your antag has a toothache, and the dentist's office is closed for the weekend. Whom does he murder to cheer himself up?
The owner of the company that made the ice cream that he thinks is responsible for his toothache. If your AC were to be granted 3 wishes, by the djinn he is torturing, what would they be?
Eradication of the lesser races from all the multiverse, to be proclaimed as god-king of the multiverse, and a plate of really good schnitzel like Oma used to make. Does your antag practice his/her evil laughter in private in front of a mirror, or does it come naturally?
For Michael, it comes easily. He doesn't need to practice it. What does your Antagonist think about in moments of respite?
Architecture, and the design of the grand citadel he is going to build on the ashes of New York City. Your antag has requested a cup of coffee, and an intern brought him instant! The intern cannot be tortured to death because of his parents' political connections, but the parents aren't important enough to save the poor underling from a horrible punishment that leaves him alive and relatively unhurt. How does your antag punish the intern?
If my antag (separate one from Michael) lived in reality, the human world, he'd spike the intern's drinking water. But instead of just falling asleep, the intern would experience the worst nightmares of his dreams for real. And then as suddenly as they had begun -- they'd stop. Your antag loves someone who's part of the enemy. What does he/she do?
"Are you talking about that stupid little girl? Who says I'm in love with her? Tell me now or I'll rip your tongue out of your head!" If your MC had an addiction, what would it be? (make this interesting now. No obsessed with world domination shnazz.)
^Shnazz...that's a good way to put it My antag's addiction would be watching his own kind drown in a bog of quicksand. Your antag just discovered a close confidant of his is a traitor. What does he do?
Elevate him to a position of high importance. Give him titles, land, awards. Invite him to dinner. Have pictures taken together. Then, months or years later, out of nowhere BAM! SLOW DEATH BY PUBLIC TORTURE! It's important not to let people take advantage. How many pairs of shoes does your antag own?
Amos' Antagonist: I own 4 pairs of shoes. Amos: That's a lot. Amos' Antagonist: From a boy who only has two pairs, I do have a lot. (In case you're wondering, I'm pretending that Amos is tied to a chair while the antag is busy answering all these questions.) What would your antag do if he/she actually plans to invade the world. Specifically, what country would he/she invade first?
If my antag would invade our reality, like, with soldiers and tanks and planes and stuff, he would first mess with Texas. Just because. Then he'd attack the command and control centers of the US military (DC, Cheyenne, Elmendorf, CFB Winnipeg, Tyndall, Griffiss, McChord, Annapolis, Quantico, and so on) followed by a strike on Geneva to take out NATO and a bunch of nukes on Chinese population centers. Then he'd take out Graceland, Las Vegas, & Times Square in order to counteract our spiritual defenses. Your MC has been defeated! How does your antag celebrate?
Amos' Antagonist: *Sees the boy's dead body in the chair* HA! Now I will get away with my crime! *Walks past hs wife* Come along, my dear! We have- Wife of Antagonist: This wasn't part of the deal. Amos' Antagonist: Say what? Wife of Antagonist: Kidnapping, tying up, and murdering a defensless blind boy wasn't what I had in mind! I'm sorry, but I can't go with you. *Raises pistol* Go to hell. *shoots* Amos' Antagonist: *falls down dead* Wife of Antagonist: *To the dead Amos* Forgive me...forgive me...*breaks down sobbing* What would your antag do if they ended up fighing on the protagonist's side?