Is it just me or is any one else not interested in the new potter book? i may be seen as mad by some but the only reason it will appear on my sacred book shelves is becuse i cannot stand to have an uncomplete set of books! the horror!!!!! myself i feel as if she has lost the thread a little but that is my personal oppinion what do you think?
I don't think she's lost the thread at all, and I must admit I am quite enjoying the thought of having a new HP book. But I can understand why you'd get bored with Potter- y'can only take so much. However, I do think this new book will be quite wonderful, just like the rest of the books.
not true you can never get board of books even if they are similar its just that she seems not to put as much effort into the acctual writing in the first few books every sentance had you charged and ready for more the 4th and last seem to have glazed overconversations and the like
It's the main story on the news. For crying out loud, it's only a childrens book. There are people dying all across the world, but they lead with this... I'm getting very quickly pissed off with the whole thing. It's almost but not quite) as bad as the whole Paris Hilton goes to jail episode.
you know her name jeus h crist on crutches! i cannot be botherd by the likes of her i must point out the fact though that the new latly in papers of quality of course not **** like the star have been covering the promblems of disshonist charitys you realise that anything you give to oxfam is split in half the charity only gets a litte of the money the rest goes in some fat cats pocket (i appologise for any cats especially ruthian how is sat on the keyboard making it extreamly difficult to type ouchh thyat hurt claws!)
JK is one writer amongst so many. And yet everyone goes mad for her. Christs sake Lord Of The Rings was a better saga. Im so bloody sick of hearing about her last book. Its a book If you like it go out and buy it and enjoy what you read. But for ****s sake we have men and women going abroad to fight and defend people we have mass flooding in the uk to hit us again and we have people starving across the globe. How they hell did this HP ****e become more important than all of that. Im no fan of JK and never will be. I've seen the films im happy with that. And there are other books out there that are better written than these HP cruds.
Should we then only take note of war and disaster, and ignore wit, and art, and literature? Should we forget what people are going out and dying for? The world needs heroes, and a little magic doesn't hurt either. Here we have a phenomenon that actually encourages children (and adults, for that matter) to read. It may not shake the planet with its significance, but it at least is one thing on the news that is positive and uplifting.
That isn't what I was saying at all, Cogito. I just think it is unfair that it should dominate the news completely, when there are more important items that should be focused on just as much.
There's already an offical thread, guys. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows (theories and discussion - may contain spoilers) - Writing Forums