I'm starting a new job tomorrow teaching a ten week course on how to do 3D art work. Iv been told i will be given ready made lesson plans an hour before I'm due to teach it. Is it just me or does this seem a little... off. should i write my own lesson plans as backup? As I understand it the lessons plans haven't even been written yet. I'm the type of person who likes to plan well ahead and this is nerve wracking.
I'm not a teacher, but it does seem daunting to be given the plans an hour beforehand, it is not giving you any time to familiarize yourself with the plans, talk about 'being thrown into a lion's den' I'd have a couple of introductory lessons prepared, just in case!
its not a brilliant deal, it is only a 10 week course (3 hours a week) and to be honest i would much rather have put the course together myself and know EXACTLY what i would be teaching so i could brush up on it myself (3DS Max is a HUGE piece of software). The guy who has offered me the placement is a friend and says i have nothing to worry about as it is a very basics course but the issue is i do most of the basics on instinct and if asked how i did something may stammer.
I'm training to be a teacher, and am a classroom assistant. Yes. Having a back up few lessons is a good idea as a 'just in case', but you will need to be adhering to a curriculum, and you will already have a frame work in place. Unless you know what this is it's not really a good idea to just jump ahead, because at best it just wastes your time, at worst it could cause a huge mess and confusion. This is a group of people's education after all. However, the thing you need to do is know the curriculum, and know what the school time-table is. Teaching isn't something that is exactly set in stone though.
I'm a university teacher, teaching Database and Networking. It would seem odd if you were given the specific content of each lecture but if what you are given is the general plan of the course lectures then that is very normal. I should ask, which are you being given?
. If you've been given pre-prepared lesson plans - which will undoubtedly NOT be your idea of a lesson - then you're being asked to lecture, not teach. Use your own material to teach as far as possible - but someone else's stuff to fall back on if you have it.
Do your own lesson plans. Only finding out an hour before may be difficult. I plan at least a week in advance and thats after having a scheme planned out too