I've always liked to draw the characters from my stories, especially the heroines. In fact, some of my stories have begun with drawings of the characters. It's like, after I draw a character, I want to give them a story. I'll start this thread by sharing a few artworks of an archaeologist character I recently created named Latonya Coleman, who is meant to be a subversion of the Lara Croft/Indiana Jones archetype. Instead of breaking into ancient ruins to steal treasure, she returns the stolen treasure to them. I have one short story written for her already, but I'd like to do a longer work with her sometime in the future. (The second image in this series is actually an illustration for the one story I've written about her, which is set in the Ivory Coast in West Africa.)
And this would be Karen Cunningham, an antagonist from my short story starring Latonya Coleman (which you can read here). Karen's a wealthy English socialite and heiress whose fondness for "collecting" ancient artifacts has put her at odds with Latonya's mission.
I would love to draw the two main characters of the story I'm working on now, but I'm not that talented and, unfortunately, can't do it. But I have one friend who is a graphic designer and draws amazing, and maybe, I'll ask her to help me with that, because I really want to have them drawn.
I would love to draw my characters if I didn't think they would come out looking like indistinguishable stick figures. I love the concept though. Something I have tried in the past, and I'm tempted to keep trying is using the Sims 4 character builder.
I can't draw, but had AI create my faerie queen, the other characters I found online. Helps to have a visual. These are from my wip, Fur and Feathers. Queen Poppy of the faeries, Anemone is half fae, half human and Jack is fully human.