1. Shizai Ko

    Shizai Ko New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    Are Homosexual Stories Unpopular?

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by Shizai Ko, Jun 13, 2008.

    I was wandering, is a story about two young men unpopular. I tried to get suggestions from several sites, but it was ignored for the most part. Other topics around it would get a fair amount of response. Eventually my topic was bumped down. This story was not going to be erotic, not even romantic. Maybe I need to just find the right site for suggestions. What do you think?
  2. zorell

    zorell New Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    growing on a tree with a buckeye
    Don't make fun of me or anything, but gay lit is actually interesting to me, if only because it's one of those things I don't know about. Show me an excerpt.
  3. Klee

    Klee New Member

    Dec 7, 2007
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    Mexico, you got a problem with that?
    Unpopular here or unpopular in the market? If you mean in the market you don't have to worry, there's always something for everybody. As for here, well, I can't answer for the whole site, but I would read it.
  4. SnipSnap

    SnipSnap Active Member

    Feb 10, 2007
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    Clinton, Illinois
    I actually don't like them much. But I suppose if you give it to the right people it could become supported enough.
  5. Crazy Ivan

    Crazy Ivan New Member

    Dec 26, 2006
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    The dumpster behind your McDonalds.
    Being gay, I'd check it out from interest, but whether I read the story would be based on how well written it was. I'm not actually sure this answers what you're asking, though, so do you think you could clarify?
  6. Lillias

    Lillias New Member

    Jun 13, 2008
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    Hmm. Well I suppose you'd have to take into account that the majority of people are heterosexual. Do heterosexuals like to read about homosexuals? I dunno.
    Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles and Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel Series both featured homo eroticism. They are quite popular. Most books I read that have homosexual characters tend to have the homosexuals as side characters. I wouldn't really worry about popularity in the general public I guess. I would just try to target people that liked and accepted that sort of thing, I suppose. :)
    Would I read it? If it was the type of story I tend to read (mysteries , fantasy).
    I wouldn't mind gay characters myself . :p
  7. PipeandPen

    PipeandPen New Member

    May 31, 2008
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    Knoxville, TN
    So, it's not really about homosexual characters? I'm a little confused. Is your M.C. going to be homosexual? Will a homosexual feeling develop?

    Or, is it simply a story about two dudes who are close friends?

    If you would clarify a bit more, I think you could get much clearer answers and suggestions.
  8. Rebekkamaria

    Rebekkamaria New Member

    Jun 11, 2008
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    I don't know how unpopular they are in the general writing world or even here, but I know I love stories with homosexual main characters. To me, it's as normal as heterosexual main characters. :)
  9. Marloy

    Marloy New Member

    May 28, 2008
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    A Malevolent Dream
    I agree that you should clarify more as well. About two young men? Two young men who are engaged in a homosexual relationship? Thinking about being gay? Feelings of gayness?

    In terms of 'unpopular' it's still pretty unclear. Basically on the market there aren't the 'popular' and 'unpopular' types because all literature that is published is bound to be read. If you mean among those who are homosexual that depends solely on the person and their interests in reading. Just because there is a book about Rome doesn't mean a Roman is going to want to read it.

    In the forum, I couldn't say, but if I knew more about it, I might read it.
  10. Kratos

    Kratos New Member

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Maryland, United States
    The majority of people are heterosexual, and the majority of heterosexuals don't like to read about homosexual relationships. (Me, no offense intended)Not everyone doesn't, but I'm just saying the majority.

    And, you'll find that heterosexual women might prefer homosexual men in a book, while the heterosexual men might prefer homosexual women in a book.

    All I'm saying is, a book with homosexuality might not be as popular as a book without it, but it will still have its fans.
  11. Raven

    Raven Banned

    Oct 14, 2006
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    The NetherWorld
    The Simple answer is they are welcome here. We welcome any form of writing regarding the content doesn't breach the rules. Gay fiction is like any other. Feel free to post it here and we'll be only too happy to offer a review. ;)

    I like to think we're pretty good for a writing forum. :)

    Senior Super Moderator.
    1 person likes this.
  12. tehuti88

    tehuti88 New Member

    May 13, 2008
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    I'd say try out some more writing sites (including this one, if it hasn't been tried here). Maybe you just got a site where most of the people aren't interested in this topic, but I assure you there are places where such fiction is incredibly popular. Just like with any genre.

    ETA: And maybe include in your post on other sites the trouble you've had garnering any attention for the story. Maybe some people who would otherwise read a M/M story really ARE turned away merely by the incorrect assumption that it will be erotica? (If you've already told people this, then I guess you just picked the wrong sites.)
  13. Banzai

    Banzai One-time Mod, but on the road to recovery Contributor

    Mar 31, 2007
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    Reading, UK
    I don't see what it matters... Characters are characters, heterosexual or homosexual. What's important is if it's entertaining, not the sexual preferences of fictional characters. True enough, some things might make some people uncomfortable, but to me, homosexuality is just like race. If a character was black, would that put you off reading the book? No, because that would be stupid.
  14. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    I think a lot of people are still uncomfortable with homophilic themes. That's kind of a Duh! observation, though.

    Will many people refuse to read it if they find a gay attraction theme developing? The answer to that is also, unfortunately, yes. You can't change people's minds overnight, and many you won;t change at all.

    However, many readers with an open mind may still not wish to read a story themed on a homophilic relationship, especially if it feels like it was written to make a statement.

    If the story is well-written, and not written to beat me over the head with an agenda, I can enjoy it regardless of the sexual orientations of the characters. That's my bottom line. I cannot honestly say I would seek out a story with a strong gay love theme. I'm not that curious, but I'm not threatened by it either.

    But to have an opinion about such a story, I might have a hard time deciding how realistic it is, at least that aspect of it. I can comment on whether they seem plausible as people, but I don't know the reality of the pressures on a gay couple, or on a gay not-yet-couple.

    It's a ramblink response, but the question seems to me to be pretty broad in scope.
  15. Milady

    Milady Active Member

    Jan 7, 2008
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    North Carolina
    I think I got something different out of the question. You've said that it isn't going to be romantic or erotic in nature, and I got the feeling that you were only asking if a story featuring only or mostly males would be popular. I don't see why not.

    If indeed you were talking about homosexuality, the others have posted some excellent advice.
  16. Wreybies

    Wreybies Thrice Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 1, 2008
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    El Tembloroso Caribe

    <--- Also gay; here's my opinion.

    It’s a tough line to walk when you want to write ‘diverse’ characters. You get a barrage of questions that don’t come at you with ‘standard’ characters.

    Why is your character gay?
    What does it have to do with the story?
    If you made the character(s) straight, would it change the story?
    If the answer to the last question is no, then back to question #1.

    Is gay lit unpopular? In a Christian bookstore, yes! In a Barns & Noble / Borders, no. Your better Border’s store will have a big honkin’ section on GLBT topics that always has a cloud of people hovering around it. You have to market yourself to the right audience.

    Might your work have to be a little better than usual to get an agent or publisher to take a chance on it? Maybe.

    Does the genre of your story further narrow down your prospective audience? That will come in to play.

    I write Science Fiction with diverse protagonists. I have posted it here at wf.org. I have gotten very positive and motivating words from the group. This forum is a cut above the rest, IMHO, in that there is a significantly more academic atmosphere. The people here just seem a little better educated.

    Post your stuff.

    We won’t bite. (Unless the grammar is really off, then we might have to chomp.) :D
  17. NaCl

    NaCl Contributor Contributor

    Apr 30, 2008
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    Is the lack of interest you experienced perhaps an indicator of general public interest in the theme?

    You said the story is about "two young men unpopular". The only reference to homosexuality in your entire post was in your title, yet virtually every response focused on that one issue. What do you think the response would have been if you did not include that one word in your title line? My point is that even among writers...generally an open-minded group of people...the sexuality reference got most of the attention. To me, this says a lot about society in general and its continuing struggle with this topic.

    If you simply asked about a market for a story featuring two unpopular young men, the answer would be simple...it depends on the quality of the writing and a good plot. So, I ask you this: is your story ABOUT homosexuality or is there some other plot and the sexuality is merely coincidental? There is a very important difference here. If the story is "about" homosexuality, then your subject matter defines your potential market and your possible choice of publishers. On the other hand, if your story has a compelling plot, and the sexual preference of your main characters is coincidental to the story line, then your potential market expands greatly.

    In either case, the writing will need to be exemplary because both markets will demand higher standards. At the risk of stereotyping, most homosexuals I know are well-educated and articulate. If they are inclined to be activist on the subject, then they also resent pandering to their identity and expect books about the subject to meet high standards. (Before responding, I asked a gay friend of mine who is on active duty in the US military as one of the "don't ask:don't tell" beneficiaries.) I expect the same elevated scrutiny from the general public. There may be a tendency to dismiss the book as having a hidden agenda (that of promoting the lifestyle) until readers become comfortable with the plot and learn to trust the author.

    I guess all this comes down to the age-old expression; "Know your audience." For you as a writer, that includes the publishers since you have to "sell" them before you will be given the opportunity to sell to anyone else.

  18. jim90

    jim90 New Member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    Well broke back mountain (the movie) was about that. I haven't seen it myself but i heard it was a good story, (i have no idea).
  19. Mike C

    Mike C New Member

    Jun 15, 2008
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    ...that you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

    Gay fiction is a very healthy genre. Writers like Marlys Pearson do very nicely out of it. http://www.marlyspearson.com/
  20. Sugar N. Spice

    Sugar N. Spice New Member

    Apr 19, 2008
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    New York
    I posted a gay fiction story. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about as long as it's not erotica. ;)
  21. Shizai Ko

    Shizai Ko New Member

    Mar 25, 2008
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    Okay, it is a little romantic. My main character Andrew encounters another young man in his college named Shawn, whose name is really Shar. At this time, Andrew is in a little denial about his feelings of Shar staring at him during class. Andrew later on relies his feelings to Shar. Only to later on find out that the man named Shawn is died and Shar assumed his identity. Not only that, but Shawn is one of the names of the people who were in similar disappearances during the last three years. This list of people includes one of Andrew friends during high school.

    Basically Shar does not reveal his secret to Andrew in spite of his feelings for Andrew. I'm going to have it so that the plot hints at possiblities of what the secret is, yet be a little misleading. Meanwhile, the plot will move in a science-fiction direction with subplots that test both character affections for one another. I have thought of several plots and the order that they will occur. Nothing solid though. I may have to do more research as well.

    There is a reason why this cannot be a hetrosexual relationship. Shar is basically half-alien who was engineered to breed with human women. This would sire the beginning of a new stage in human evolution, saving both the human and alien race. There are many factors that lead up to the only options of Shar either staying with Andrew or creating the new world.

    BTW, thanx for the site Mike C.
  22. Klee

    Klee New Member

    Dec 7, 2007
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    Mexico, you got a problem with that?
    Wow! I'd definitely read that story.
  23. ophelia

    ophelia New Member

    Jun 18, 2008
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    Wow, what an interesting twist! I wouldn't say that this concept is unpopular, rather - it would attract attention, probably. It might be controversial, but if the story is good it would do well. Reminds me of Brokeback Mountain.
  24. BrightEye

    BrightEye New Member

    May 23, 2008
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    Bluebeard's Castle
    Sounds really cool!!
  25. Crazy Ivan

    Crazy Ivan New Member

    Dec 26, 2006
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    The dumpster behind your McDonalds.

    I definitely think you'd find a market for a story like that. Like Twilight times Brokeback Mountain times Star Trek.

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