I'm sure this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it. I'm wondering who here is published; if you are published, I'm wondering what publisher selected you, what book is it (link, if possible) and generally what the experience was like.
I could only select one but I've done 2. I was published in Outdoor Life, a sportsman magazine, for a humor article. First query ever. "I thought, boy this'll be easy!" That was 2002. http://www.outdoorlife.com/outdoor/hunting/whitetails/article/0,19912,339891,00.html I was 15 days away from having my horror novel published by an E-publisher, but they went out of business. OUCH! I also self published a book of poetry I wish I could get back. I was young, what'd I know?
I'v enevr been published and honestly don't mind. My goal in life is to be a Video Game Designer (I'm gunnning for Shigeru Miyamoto's job). I've jsut always felt story was key to a good game and as such i want to boost my story telling skills (and I jsut like spinning a good yarn.)
I've been published in several small-press, paying magazines but haven't broken into the big time mags (yet). I've also had a few stories in anthologies. My only published novel, Friends in Dark Places, came about because a small publisher, who had used my stories in several mags, expanded into the novel market as a POD publisher and accepted my manuscript. JohnB
dan... you left the voting part of this thread open to publishing in general, but then mention only books in your post, so i don't think you'll get the info you wanted, since some of us have already voted re magazine or other things than book publishing [i've had a newspaper column published for pay, along with another one and various other work in paying mags]... to get specific info re who are published authors of books, you might want to put up a new thread, making it clear that it's aimed at those who've had books in print... love and hugs, maia
I suppose you could say I'm published. I have had a few articles published in the Indianapolis Star Metro section; and I'm currently working on a commentary for WFYI, which is the Public Broadcasting Station in Indy. Of course, my dream is to publish a piece of fiction -I am working on my latest project, which I hope to get published, but who knows about that.
I'm not sure if the originator (Lpspider) of this string (poll) was looking only for books in reference to being published, however others have chimed in on other publications so I'll do the same. I've had a number of articles published online. I've had two short stories published in magazines and one forthcoming and one short story in an anthology published. All mentioned above were published by paying markets. I've been happy with the contracts, editing and product (print and online) provided/produced Double-Edged Publishing, Twilight Times Publishing and Fiction Factor. More information on the publishers that accpeted my work and the works themselves can be found via the link in my signature file below. Terry
I've had articles, stories, poems and other short pieces published over the years, but I'd love to get a print book of my poetry published. It's in e-book form now.
Although I voted no, I have actually had a book review puvlished in a magazine when I was younger. Here is the review if anyone wants to hear what a ten year old Heather sounds like Book review of Stop the Train - Stockton-on-Tees Libraries It is sooo cute
Hehe, looks like it. I found that the other day when my mate googled my name, had completely forgot about it before that. Ever tried googling your mates names, it is funny
I have two books published, a couple book chapters in edited volumes, several full-length articles, and numerous encyclopedia entries published.
I've had numerous short stories published and broadcast. My début novel was published just TWO days ago. It is called WITHOUT REPROACH, available on Amazon and WHSmith on-line. Links to the publisher, Libros International, and direct to the on-line sites can be found on on my web Profile of an Author Anthony PS Sorry about the double message, don't know how it happened. I've tried to delete on but I can't see how to do it it ... HELP!!!
I've had numerous short stories published and broadcast. My début novel was published just TWO days ago. It is called WITHOUT REPROACH, available on Amazon and WHSmith on-line. Links to the publisher, Libros International, and direct links to the on-line sites can be found on on my web below Anthony
Quite honestly ... everyone on this site who has posted a piece of writing can technically say they have self-published. Showing your work to world. Same concept. The only difference of self-publishing on a site like this is that you have a very direct communication w/ your readers, and they have a very direct communication with you to give criticism. Of course, this point could be argued. But in my opinion, a lot of people who checked the "no" for this poll could have checked the "self-published."
Anthony, simply go to the edit button on the bottom of the post you want deleting and it will allow you to edit it. delete the post and say something like "sorry, double post". simple as that. Heather