WritingForum.org folks, Fiction Factor published my article Don’t Hesitate to Offer a Critique. It idea for it originated from discussions that take place, such as on this forum, about new writers concerned about critting another writer's work. Take a look if you get the chance. Hope it's useful. Terry
Hi Terry, I just saw the article, and was going to ask you if I could post the link, but you beat me to it. Excellent artcle, thank you for writing it.
The Plight and mdf92, I'm glad it was a relevant/helpful article and that you took the time to read it. Cogito, you must be a subscriber to Fiction Factor's newsletter. And thanks for the good word about the article. It was written to give a little guidance and to encourage new writers to step out and crit the work of other writers. Terry
I really like the article, especially that you stressed a couple times that there is no 'right' way to critique.
I am indeed a subscriber, ever since I noticed how many articles you have ended up quoting from it (several of which were written by some Ervin guy). It's an excellent resource, published monthly, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to hear the perspective of the writer "in the trenches."