Just wondering what's the feeling on the ground regarding the recent treatment of your PM, Ms Gillard. Maybe you can enlighten me.
As far as I can tell, most people think it was quite uncalled for - unprovoked and inappropriate. Then they split both ways - some think she deserved it ("serves her right") and others genuinely feel sorry for her.
For those of us out of the loop: Howard Sattler suggested to Ms Gillard that her partner of seven years, Tim Mathieson, had to be homosexual because he was a hairdresser. I'm not an Aussie and I only read about it because of your thread, but I couldn't help thinking about all the sexist blunders over here from the Republican Party in the last couple years. The latest one was claiming men's brain are more rationale. Not that a lot of Democrats didn't think Michelle Bachman's husband was gay because, well, he acts like he is.
Did I post the wrong incident? How does a PM deserve to have her husband's sexual identity questioned?
It is about the Australian PM. You don't think it was a partisan attack because it was in Oz? Helloo.. That would be the small breasts comment, also not an insult that a PM would "deserve", (and shouldn't be an insult anyway). So, I could have gone with sexist men or I could have gone with sexist political parties. My apologies, JJ, seriously, but I think my comments were relative. I don't dislike people just because they don't hold my ideological views. I hope others will give me the same consideration.
It's just unfair. I don't like democrats, but I wouldn't post every sexist, racist, stupid thing democrats say, especially in a thread that's not even about US politics. I thought about posting a bunch if links to in appropriate things democrats have said, but should I have to? Shouldn't you know that all people are people and there are gaffes on both sides of the aisle. ... and both sides of the world, apparently.
I can see your point. Unfortunately the Aussie incident had so many parallels to the current political events here, that's what came to mind. I shall say no more, and await the discussion to get back on topic, just the politics in Oz.
I actually read the story, and it appears the menu in question was never seen by any party member and was just created by the restaurant owner, but got posted to Facebook. I think it's much ado about nothing as it was one persons crude joke and not tied to any party's stance on women. ...or maybe I don't understand how politics works.
You've got the correct incident. I don't think she deserves it, but there are some people around who strongly dislike Gillard. They hate her voice, her body, every concievable thing about her and what she's done. I'm assuming the "she deserves it" attitude is coming from her opposition to gay marriage. I believe that's what the radio interview was originally about. That's what I'm getting from this corner of the country, anyway.
Australia is backwards. Don't be fooled. We're both racists, sexists and completely living in the wrong century. Our nation is very, very easily manipulated and the media is behind it. NEVER in my life have I ever seen the media (all of them) destroy a Prime Minister, and give them no support whatsoever. While being behind the opposition leader (Tony Abbott), who has no policy whatsoever. Sadly the sheep are flocking towards the media's rubbish stories. To prove how sexists and backwards we are, we'd never have this happen in this country if it was a man. Never. This latest crap, with her husband, is nothing but a continuation of the crap they give her. Like when her father died last year. Or when one of her MP's does something, etc. Our media picked who they wanted as PM years ago, and our stupid population is buying what the media is selling. EDIT The Menu story? A non-issie. I Again, the media will play it until people are bored. It's a non issue to play with peoples minds. It never even made it to the tabloes, but the media spun it, and manipulatede peoples minds over it before the truth came out. Stupid, mindless media stunts.