(forgive me if this is in the wrong forum section. If I need to move it, and I actually can move it, I will) So I spend hours on babies naming websites looking for new names for characters. Normally I can spend a good deal of time thinking of a name for a character who will be in the book for one chapter, then die or leave. Anyone else do this as well? If so, have you got any favourite sites? Since I'm writing fantasy behindthename.com can come in handy with strange and unusual names. Is there any specific naming websites out there for writers rather than expectant parents? Just wondering since I am once again trying to think of five or six names I'm only going to use for one chapter.
There are lots of obscure names on these sites: http://christianity.about.com/od/christainbabyboynames/a/boynamesab.htm http://www.prokerala.com/kids/baby-names/
If you're looking for a random name generator, seventhsanctum.com has a lot to offer. It's not very useful outside of western names, but has generators for some very weird stuff if you're thinking of writing high fantasy.
I only do this when I want a character's name to portray something, usually in a humorous way, such as Verden for a person obsessed with the color green. Since I also write fantasy, it is easy for me to take a color, play with it, and come out with a name, such as Azureth. I do not go to any particular site, however. Whatever gives me an idea is fine by me.
Irish names are cool, but can be very non-indicative pronunciation wise*, which is a bit annoying to me, although I guess some people like it. *Famous example being the name "Niamh" being pronounced "Neeve".