This day can not be a good omen. Farrah Fawcett dying this morning, Michael Jackson going in a comatose about 2 or 3 hours ago. That the heck is this all about? Did anyone really see M.J leaving anytime soon? Is it just me or do a lot of celebs seem to be dropping like flies lately? David Carradine, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, Ed McMahon...
Michael Jackson is not confirmed. It hasn't even been confirmed that it was HIM taken to hospital. It's all mixed reports, some say coma, some say he's still being treated, some say he's dead. I hope he isn't dead God.
Ya i know - I'm getting Twitters, Myspaces, Facebook and text reports all blowing up my phone with different reports. This is insane. my local radio station is doing a tribute to him- they should figure out what exactly is going on before they actually do this it's crazy!!
it is kinda sad that Michael Jackson is getting more attention about dying than poor Farrah. She was an amazing actress and an amazing person
Any loss of life is just as tragic and heart breaking as the next loss of life. Just because they are celebrities, it has made the news. Yet the what about all the other people who have passed away in the last 24 hours? I don't see you mentioning them or getting upset over them... every day people die, it breaks so many peoples heart and their lives are never the same again. It is tragic that these celebrities died, but if they weren't celebrities, would you still give a damn? Would you be creating this thread? Probably not. Sorry to sound heartless here, but it is fact. It is probably a good thing Michael died. Now he won't get pestered about being a child molester. The man died, just like we are all going to die one day. People are going to be hurting, people are going to be crying, just the same as if it were a family member or friend of ours. But life goes of for the living, it don't stop cause a celeb died. Michael lived a long life, got a name for himself and made a lot of money. He even did some good in his time, shock horror, but he is dead now (so you have stated) and nothing will bring him back. Mourn the loss, celebrate the life, move on! Tomorrow a child will die, tomorrow a brother or sister will die, tomorrow a mother, father, grandmother or grandfather will die, and tomorrow, my heart will go out to their families. But today, my heart goes out to ALL the families that have lost someone.
Torana, Your point is one made by alot of people every time a celebrity passes away...It isn't unheard of. No, they wouldn't be commemorated like this at their death, but then again, they didn't change lives with their music and sell billions apon billions of records and make some pretty amazing history. Yes, his death will be overly sensationalised, but that's the shameful price that comes with being such a huge celebrity. That doesn't mean that the normal people don't deserve recognition, it doesn't mean that other people necessarily 'care' less, it means merely that more people were able to be aware of his life, and yes, his death, and appreciate the things he did more than they could for the ordinary person who worked a 9-5 job and didn't do anything particularly life changeing to anybody outside of their immediate family. I don't think it's a point that really needs to be made. Of course it's a shame if anybody dies, but certain people have more recognition because they earned it and it's inevitable that there will be alot of commotion. The fact is that nobody wakes up every day giving their hearts out to everybody who lost a life - but sometimes, when a famous person dies, it's enough to make them realise how precious life is, and it's only then that we all really consider our losses. Sure we should do alot of things that we don't do. That's life. That's just how it works.
+1 for Torana's view. It's being sensationalised. Get over it people. There are other things going on in the world much worse than a celebrity's death.
We care because we know them. It's not because they are celebrities. Yes we know them because of celebrities, but thats not WHY we care. We would care about all the other people who died today if we knew them too. At least I would. This isn't about a "celebrities death" it's about the death of someone who EFFECTED MY LIFE. Michael's music effected my life, and I CARE about his death, and anyone who has a problem with that can piss off. Show some sensitivity or don't post.
Just to clarify to a few people, I didn't post this as if I was crying upset- I actually usually take these things with a grain of salt since I only know these people by the media- the only celeb i ever felt tragically sad over was Steve Irwin, the main post was actually the weirdness of how many celebs had died in such a close time span. I am also the same person that will stay in a mall parking lot with a complete stranger for four hours on the cement bench talking to her because she found out while there that her aunt had died. It was merely just a "wow this is kinda morbid-serial how many happened in a month span" kinda thing.
I think it's fair to say that his death has effected people here - As a musician I regret his death and loss to the world. My other views on him clearly won't be popular here so I'll keep them to myself. But I think it's fair to say that love him or hate him we've lost one of the worlds most talented musicians today (or yesterday depending where you are). On a slightly different note I was sad to learn that Jeff Goldblum also died today, as well as Farrah Fawcett. Showbusiness hasn't had a good day...
Guys, I don't think you need to justify any upset responses to somebody's death just because they were famous. You cared because of the music he made and the appreciation you had for him. The whole 'We shouldn't care just because he's famous' thing is incredibly cliche. I'm sure everybody knows that they don't just care because he's a celebrity - his fame made you aware of him, and that's it. The fans and the appreciation did the rest. It's not like he didn't earn it - after all, it's the same principle as your favourite author passing away. Their publicity made you aware of them, but you aren't thanking the media for their work - you're thanking the person who wrote it.
+1 more for Torana's view. I don't think TJ really meant anything by the thread, and I think Torana could have chosen better words, but I also find it somwhat irksome when celebrities take center stage on the news, even in death. Then again, I'm always annoyed with celebrity news; aren't there more important things happening? Can't I just pick up a magazine or something if I want to stalk them? When I turn on the news I want news, not pop culture drama. /end rant. Edit: I suppose I ought to clarify a bit. After years of Britney, Paris, Britney, Paris, Britney, paris, Britney, Paris - just LOOK what they did this time! I think I've had just about enough of celebs to tide me over for the next decade or so.
It's okay Kas- I'm the only celeb you stalk right? also- Jeff Goldblum just did research- I'm gonna say its a 90% chance of a hoax. Second- by all means, if others have felt a loss today share it! This should not just be confined to our loss of celebrities we are all friends here and should all feel free to express any feelings of loss, hope, or need for comfort. third- Ashleigh you made a good point.
I agree with Ashley. If you can't appreciate the influence he had on music, then I'm sorry you don't but you don't have to go putting him down posthumously. The Jeff Goldblum thing was a hoax, apparently, by the way.
I think Michael Jackson of all people wanted to hide from the media glare. He's persued because fans across the nation loved him. The poor guy became a complete recluse as a result of all the bad press that came hand in hand with it. Alot of people would consider this to be the end of an era, and a very important event. I don't think it's that difficult to understand why he's made headline news... It's easy to forget how much the media really do hunt these people to get first claim on any news they have, even of their death. It's sad, but true.
It's cool Torana! what would life be without differences? ya the jeff goldblum is a hoax- i learned it from kevin spacey's twitter hehe...he has a twitter...that tickles me.
Yeah Old Jeff is ok so that's good. Ashleigh, end of an era? The end of the era of the king of pop has already been and gone. He's been a washed up celebrity for a while now. Sure, he was great in his heyday, but he's broke, old, and no longer making music. His day is over. Funny, how he's suddenly more awesome posthumously!
:O I love him! 'Must go faster...must go faster...' - In Jurassic park, hah. (Sorry, I always remember that part for some strange reason..) Apparently there was also a rumor that Harrison Ford died on thursday. What's going on with people these days? It's amazing how just a little tip-off from some stranger can actually make the news, whilst the people themselves are still strolling around their neighbourhoods completely unaware.