Hello all, As english isn't quite my first language I must admit when writing [fanfics is as far as I've gotten] I've been told I mess these two up. Can someone be so kind as to differinate them and use maybe in a few sentences. Thanks.
I have been to the shops. This thing has happened and so I have been. I will be at the shops. You will find me at the shops at a future time. I am being hounded by a stalker. This thing is happenining now, it is being done now at this time. I have been hounded by stalker. This thing has happened to me in the past, it has been done in the past. Being = happening now Been = has happened I have been a good boy = past I am being a good boy = now
Being -- current time Been -- past Take note, though, that both "being" and "been" (as well as "were," "was," "is") count as passive voice, which is not as dynamic as active voice. Passive voice should be used sparingly, for example, if you want to create a detached tone. Otherwise, there's always a way to word something in active voice - and it will usually sound more concise and to-the-point that way.
I remember the word 'be' conjugates Be, was/were, been And 'being' is a present continuous. "Happens now" English isn't my first language either.