Seriously mind boggling to see such closeups of the surface. New Horizons: Sharpest images of Pluto's surface
Those are pretty cool, if you look closely at the ice-plane picture, you can see dune-like formations on the surface, I wonder why since Pluto has such a thin atmosphere I doubt it would be enough to make dunes....? curious.....
I always found it interesting that New Horizons contains a bit of ash from Clyde Tombaugh, the man who first discovered Pluto in 1930.
The ripples are thought to be from flowing ice rather than caused by wind. New Horizons discovers flowing ices on Pluto There are a lot of good images in this NYT's article.
When I saw that title, I was half expecting this. But yes, it's always uplifting to see more progress on the final frontier. Somehow, I doubt ol' Pluto will become a tourist destination any time soon - seems a little cold for a nice family interplanetary holiday. But still, nice to look at from afar.