Hi there, I’m new to this site and a fairly new writer as my introduction post stated. I have some good ideas and I’m keen to get these down in the form of a science fiction novel, however being the novice that I am I don’t want to throw myself into the deep end without any idea of how to swim. I was wondering if anyone could recommend any good books that give tips / general advice on writing a novel, where to start, character development through to getting it published. Preferably free online PDF downloads would be great. Of course I will also be using this forum as a good source of information. Any finger pointing in the right direction will be most appreciated. Many thanks in advance for your help. Space Addict.
I would advise going to your local library and check out their selection of books about writing. Rather than following a single book, you should read as many as you can because what worked for one author may not work for you.
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I live in Brazil so I don’t have a local library to take advantage of. I was kinda hoping I'd be able to find some online books that I could download or something.
Google "Baen Free Library." Baen is a well-known publisher in the science fiction market and they have a number of books available for free online.