1. gigantes

    gigantes Banned

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Quiz: 14 questions about Middle Earth.

    Discussion in 'Word games' started by gigantes, Aug 10, 2008.

    i wrote this in march and did a little touch-up just now. some of these questions require knowledge of the books. i'll post my answers later.

    have fun!


    1. what relationship was galadriel to arwen?

    2. who possessed the three elven rings of power during the time of LOTR?

    3. what blood relationship were aragorn and arwen?

    4. how many rings of power were there total?

    5. what race was smeagol-gollum a member of?

    6. of the nine members of the fellowship of the ring, how many died?

    7. which of these beings lived longest in middle earth- galadriel, tom bombadil, gandalf, or treebeard?

    8. besides human, what other two racial bloodlines did aragorn possess in traces?

    9. what happened to arwen after aragorn eventually died?

    10. what would happen if non-elves sailed the sea west of middle earth to find the undying lands?

    11. what was the fate of sauron and saruman in LOTR?

    12. what were the names of the five wizards?

    13. what mighty deed did glorfindel, who rescued frodo from the nazgul between bree and rivendell, once perform? (note that in the jackson movies, his role at rivendell was re-scripted for arwen)

    14. where did orcs come from?
  2. FoxyMomma

    FoxyMomma New Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Albuquerque, NM
    1. what relationship was galadriel to arwen?

    2. who possessed the three elven rings of power during the time of LOTR?
    Círdan and then by Gandalf; Galadriel; Gil-galad and then by Elrond

    3. what blood relationship were aragorn and arwen?
    Their great-great-grandmother was Melian

    4. how many rings of power were there total?

    5. what race was smeagol-gollum a member of?
    He was a Hobbit

    6. of the nine members of the fellowship of the ring, how many died?
    Only one, since Gandalf was resurrected.

    7. which of these beings lived longest in middle earth- galadriel, tom bombadil, gandalf, or treebeard?

    8. besides human, what other two racial bloodlines did aragorn possess in traces?
    Aragorn's blood has distant traces of the other two Tribes of Men, and the Noldor, as well as Elven blood.

    9. what happened to arwen after aragorn eventually died?
    She dies in Lorien on the hilltop where she and Aragorn first sealed their fates.

    10. what would happen if non-elves sailed the sea west of middle earth to find the undying lands?
    Hobbits are one of the few mortals to be allowed entry.

    11. what was the fate of sauron and saruman in LOTR?
    Sauron's departing spirit towered above Mordor like a black cloud, but was blown away by a powerful wind from the West.
    Saruman suffered a similar fate when a mist surrounded his body and then dissapated to the West before his body showed any sign of death.

    12. what were the names of the five wizards?
    Saruman ('Man of Skill') the White
    Gandalf ('Elf of the wand') the Grey (later the White)
    Radagast the Brown
    The other two are not given names. Even Tolkien speaking as himself never named them, only giving vague details.

    13. what mighty deed did glorfindel, who rescued frodo from the nazgul between bree and rivendell, once perform? (note that in the jackson movies, his role at rivendell was re-scripted for arwen)
    Glorfindel duels and kills the Balrog, but is himself killed.

    14. where did orcs come from?
    Orcs were Elves, enslaved by Morgoth
  3. gigantes

    gigantes Banned

    Jun 26, 2008
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    nice work, foxymomma.

    there are some incompletes and incorrects, however. anyone else feel free to jump in here.
  4. Daisy

    Daisy New Member

    Jul 6, 2008
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    In the past, present, and future
    I think Foxy got most of them, but will add the below for fun.

    3. what blood relationship were aragorn and arwen?
    Arwen's father was Elrond and Aragorn is descended from Elrond’s brother Elros. Elros was the first king of Numenor and Aragorn the 39th king so “if” each King represents a generation, would Elrond be Aragorn’s Great(x39) Uncle which would make Arwen, Aragorn's cousin 39 times removed - We call that Kissin’ Cousins round’ here.

    5. what race was smeagol-gollum a member of? Hobbit-kind, Fisher Folk, akin to the Stoors branch of hobbits.

    6. of the nine members of the fellowship of the ring, how many died?
    Only one (1) if you are not counting the Gray Havens as dying, Three (3) if you are, and all of them (9) if you’re including the narrative of the appendix in which Tolkien describes their eventual fates.

    8. besides human, what other two racial bloodlines did aragorn possess in traces? Hard one - Dunedain? Elven, maybe Maia? (since he is descended from Melion who was described as a Maia?

    10. what would happen if non-elves sailed the sea west of middle earth to find the undying lands?
    Your homes and lands are destroyed by a flood?

    12. what were the names of the five wizards?
    Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, Alatar and Pallando

    That was fun! Thanks G.:)
  5. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    1. Arwen is Galadriel's daughter.

    7. Tom Bombadil was Eldest.
  6. Hubert

    Hubert Member

    Jul 4, 2008
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    3. what blood relationship were aragorn and arwen?
    first cousins 62 times removed, with common ancestors Earendil and Elwing. They are also second cousins 64 times removed, both being descended from Galadhon, and third cousins 64 times removed, through descent from Finwe and Indis.

    4. how many rings of power were there total?
  7. Daisy

    Daisy New Member

    Jul 6, 2008
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    In the past, present, and future
    I think Cogito might be right, Tom Bombadil was oldest, but Galadriel wed Celeborn and their daughter was Celebrian and she wed Elrond and their daughter was Arwen.

    I think. :confused:
  8. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Ah, right, you are correct about Galadriel. It has been a long while since I last read LotR.

    I humbly stand corrected.
  9. gigantes

    gigantes Banned

    Jun 26, 2008
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    i guess it's time i listed my answers. the ones which nobody guessed correctly or completely are highlighted. you all did a great job, though.

    1. grandmother. (galadriel's daughter was elrond's wife)

    2. galadriel, gandalf and elrond.

    3. cousins many times removed. aragorn was descended from elrond's brother, elros.

    4. twenty in all- nine for men, seven for dwarves, three for elves and one for sauron.

    5. hobbit, specifically the stoor subrace of early hobbits. among the five principle hobbits of LOTR, smeagol would probably have been most closely related to merry via the stoor-brandybuck connection.

    6. five in this order- gandalf (his earthly body died in combat with a balrog), boromir, merry, pippen, aragorn. as for gimli, frodo and sam- they sailed into valinor and may have become immortal by that act. gandalf and legolas were already immortal due to race.

    7. treebeard. being born in valinor, galadriel did not come to middle earth until after the creation of the ents. gandalf did not come until the third age, although he actually existed before the earth was created. bombadil's roots in middle earth are described in the least detail and cannot definitively be summarised (altho his origin is logically similar to gandalf's).

    8. elf and maia (maia was the race that gandalf, saruman, sauron and the balrogs were members of). you can see a geneology here:

    9. she lost her will to live and died within the year in lothlorien.

    10. they wouldn't find anything. valinor was no longer physically located on earth after the fall of the numenoreans (aragorn's people). only elves from middle earth were allowed to make this passage.

    11. their physical forms were destroyed (or what little was left in sauron's case) and they were unable to assume form on earth again.

    12. saruman, gandalf, radagast and the two 'blue' wizards who travelled into the east and did not appear in LOTR.

    13. he slew a balrog after the fall of gondolin. (and died by the deed, but was later resurrected)

    14. they were bred from elves by sauron's master, morgoth. (tolkien vacillated between elves and humans as the original breeding stock, but since orcs seem to be immortal like elves, they seem a better fit than humans)
    bonus points to hubert for the amazing geneology answer!


    great scenes from LOTR that they didn't show you in the theatres: (you had to buy the extended DVD's to see these)

    council of elrond, boromir reaches for the ring and gandalf reads sauron's inscription-

    the death of saruman-

    just before the final battle, aragorn and party discuss terms with the mouth of sauron:

    fun trivia from the hobbit, featuring charming songs from the original animated special:
  10. FoxyMomma

    FoxyMomma New Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Albuquerque, NM
    I said that, didn't I? Why is this one bold?
  11. gigantes

    gigantes Banned

    Jun 26, 2008
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    technically you are correct.

    i did want to point out the breakdown since nobody else mentioned it and/or knew it.
  12. Daisy

    Daisy New Member

    Jul 6, 2008
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    In the past, present, and future
    I have read them all at least twice and must humbly admit I had to go and look it up in the back of the book. :)

    Great fun. Write another one. :D

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