I just wanted to share this, but does anyone feel when their done with a story that they are bored afterwards? Like there's nothing to do, because writing was something that kept them preoccupied? This is exactly how I am feeling after I recently finished the first draft of one of my stories around the end of December. I was writing the story since the beginning of 2014 and basically made it part of my life and now I feel like something is missing. When I was writing it was like an adventure. Yeah I can(should) start editing the story, but I don't know when to start or how? Anyways does anyone here have this same feeling?
Yep, that's pretty much me. Once I've finished writing I fell like I've just put so much time into writing that when I'm done I feel like I have nothing to do. For editing, I usually give myself a bit of time. Since I have a series to complete, I still have to continue my stories, but if I'm stuck I go back on the previous version. But read through it again and maybe you can edit your ideas. But as @GingerCoffee said, you're not done. I think you're never done when you're writing, even if its published
No. Writing is about third or fourth in a long list of hobbies. I actually rarely get the time to concentrate on writing enough to finish anything! I often shelve it for months at a time to focus on hiking, photography and film-making. I don't know if anyone noticed or remembered my absence from the forum for a long while. And it'll happen again.
I'm not sure what you mean by bored. Maybe in writing a long story, it could give one the same feeling as in reading a very mind occupying book. And when it's finished, it's "that's it, now what?" Sometimes I feel bored because I feel like writing but I can't, but that boredom is at the same time caused by not writing, and the fact that I can't write because I feel bored. Or dull maybe. All thoughts are gone somewhere, unreachable.
Apparently it's pretty common to have a "slump" after you finish a long project. My writer friend who's churned out 2 full novels and have I believe 3 more in the works (all of them are over 100,000 words already and she's in the process of editing them all, some of them on 2nd or 3rd edits) and written several short stories - so she's by no means unproductive or unable to finish - she says when she finishes a project, she feels depressed afterwards lol. I just finished my collab with the above friend back in September 2014 and I actually haven't had the urge or ability to write since. I've wanted to write, but just got nothing. Everything I wrote was lacking in passion. None of them were bad, thankfully my skills are good enough, but none of them were excellent either. I just felt like reading a lot, and though I wanted to write, sort of, I just had no inclination to really put in the effort or the ideas. It's only the recent 2 weeks I started feeling the inclination again. I'm still not settled though - not sure which project I want to work on. We have 2 open collabs (same friend) and I myself have 3 open projects, all of them still at the beginning (well, one of them is an old project that got screwed over with bad advice and my own inexperience and is getting redone, for the final time, which is why I don't want to start it till I know what I wanna do with it). So yeah. I still feel sorta restless, jumping around projects.
There's always something else on the list for me to write, so getting bored when something is finished (first draft) isn't an issue for me. If you're letting a first draft sit before revisiting it, spend time working on the next project.