Hello! I am absolutely new not only to any creative writing on-line forums but also to the writing in English. Have a few poems and little bitty stories written and of course would love to get some readers and opinions... but, first, don't know yet where to go to post my writings (wiil figure it out later), then, maybe more than that, I just want to see what other people are talking about, what they write....
Well Swan let me be the first to welcome you to the forum and if you have any questions at all, feel free to ask myself or any of the other members here, we all love to help I do look forward to reading over some of your work in the near future and I hope you have a most pleasant time here with all of us. I tend to spend most of my time in the poetry area, but I am more than happy to take a look at anything else posted in the forum, just pm me and I'll be more than happy to offer a review. ~Torana
Hello, Swan, Welcome to the Writing Forums. There really is nothing to fear. What is the worst that could happen? That you write something and nobody likes it? Everyone has written something that has fallen flat, unless they have never attempted anything. The point of this forum, or any gathering of writers, is to learn to write better. That remains true whether the writer is submitting his or her first one-page story or hundredth novel. That being said, why not ease your way in, and get to know people here before you submit anything for review? Read what other people have written, and responses. Read and take part in the discussion threads. Play word games. And write a response or two of your own to something that has been submitted. After that, you'll have a good idea of what to expect from a review, and how to take it or leave it; reviews are only opinions, after all. Enjoy your stay, and most importantly, have fun!
welcome Swan. it's always nice to see a new face around here,and please feel free to join in all of our interesting, if not wierd, conversations. i look forward to reading some of your work and if you ever need anything reviewing then PM me and i'll be happy to take a look Heather
Hey Swan! Welcome to the club! I just got here myself but I don`t think there`s anything to be afraid of. The ppl here seem kinda chilled! If you need anything let me know! Have great time here and I look forward to seeing some of your work! TTYL! -WF
happy to have you aboard, swan!... not to worry, there are many here whose native tongues are other than english, so you've plenty of company... if you need any private help, i mentor lots of aspiring writers all over the world, so am used to helping with translations and idioms and such... just drop me a line if i can be of any help... meanwhile, enjoy the forums! love and hugs, maia maia3maia@hotmail.com
Anything you write and post here will get honest critque and feedback. You are also welcome to join in on any of our competitions or even Join in, in the RPG forum. Theres plenty here and the forum is busting with good members. If your nervous about posting your writings I suggest you have a read of other members work and read the critique and Feedback. That way you'll have an Idea what you'll recieve. And Welcome. ~Raven.
Hi there. Don't feel shy about posting anything. We like hearing everyones opinions and ideas. Just make sure to give reviews at the same time. Cheers
I've been away for a few days so missed you arrive, enjoy the site, sorry I missed you! and Good Luck!
Hi there Swan! hey no reason to be scared!o! the guys here won't bite you, they're out to help I'm relatively new too, and i haven't really put any thing up yet, but i will! welcome to the site and i look forward to reading your work. see you around!
Hey there! Welcome to the site If you don't mind me asking, what language do you usually write in? Look forward to seeing you around