Hi, This may not apply to anyone else, and most of you being more computer literate than me will already know it, but thought I'd share it with you all anyway. Up until a year or so ago I was a regular member here at WF, then the site got upgraded and I could no longer see anything except a giant blue bar across half my screen. Still no idea why that happened. However a few days ago after having problems with viewing my author page at Amazon and gaining no useful advice from them - emptying the cache etc did no use, I found a site which gave me a fix - which is why I'm back. I'm on IE9 by the way so you may have to adjust accordingly for other browsers. Simply go to tools (the cog), Internet Options, Advanced, then tick the button that says "automatically recover from page layout errors with compatibility view." It's not a perfect fix for me, but it's good enough that I can repost here and see my author page. Cheers, Greg.
I've never had that blue half page but people using tablets or phones I think had that issue. What kind of device are you on?
Vista's notorious for being bad and really very old by this point. I wonder if an upgrade in OS would help? Windows 10 is due to be released soon. I can't imagine Vista's still getting updates either, which means it's unlikely to be terribly secure.
Vista still receives security updates, and should be generally supported and updated for at least another 15 years. Also, the problem most be browser-related rather than OS-related as our concerns websites. I don't have a machine with IE9 myself, but I'd guess that the forum simply uses features that are not fully supported in older versions of IE. That does sound a bit weird, however, considering how much of the market still uses older versions of the browser.
'Compatibility view' means reverting to the previous version of the browser, in your case IE8. Far as I know, if you can use IE9, you can upgrade to IE10.