Someone saw this? A bug in the SSL Security System, used by all the websites with secure login, has been discovered. A lof of big sites are telling to users to change passwords. The full article is here:
Saw it, waiting for my son to tell me if I should care. It sounds like I should and it also sounds like we should wait to change passwords until the sites they are used on fix their systems.
Hooray, my credit union is not affected. I'm checking on Amazon, EBay and Paypal. Paypal is OK. EBay and Amazon may have issues.
The Washington Post is doing a series of articles on this issue. This, from yesterday, is a good one:
My vaccine distributor sites are all OK, this forum isn't. Amazon isn't. Keep in mind, 'not safe' really means unknown.
Here's a handy list on which sites to change your passwords on: Not sure if you need to do it now or wait until the sites are fixed and which sites are now fixed. Gmail and Yahoo seem fixed according to this site:
Thanxs for the list, @GingerCoffee I'm very afraid for Paypal, but it's ok. And Steam too (I can play my games \o/). The brazilian websites like Paypal that I use to sell my goodies are ok too Later I will check the others that I use.